WALL-E and EVE have a child

Yup, the spawn of Wall-E and Eve first appeared a while back. Needless to day, I didn’t like it then, I still don’t like it now. :stuck_out_tongue:

With apologies to any fans of Eric, of course.

" No Cockrouch, this is my Pot pie" Woulden’t eat pot pies but whatever.

^^ This.

LOL I can so see that!

He looks cute but I don’t think the name suits him :confused:

Yeah the name is really stupid lol E-RIC makes me wanna barf i think they should of named him WALL-EVE lol anyone like the name i made up :question:

I don’t think robots can have children. :laughing: But yeah, I see him. I personally don’t love him, though.

I know it probably wasn’t intentional, but just the way that robot is situated standing up and the way his flat arms are positioned, Iit almost looks like WALL-E and M-O’s love child in a way.

I’m sure that it would have been just as weird as it sounded.

I can see that, PB. Even though I’m scarred now. :laughing:

:open_mouth: WALL-E&M-O lol im scarred but looking at it again i can see how someone would think that.

:open_mouth: Creepy…

I can’t even look at the picture the same way anymore. “Cartman”

all i gotta say is lol

If Wall-E and EVE had that child that acted EXACTLY like Eric Cartman, it would make their lives MISERABLE! although of course, EVE could simply plasma cannon it to oblivion! (child abuse!)

Yep, I already knew about E-RIC. I was the one that posted about it here a couple years ago (when I first became a member): [url]E-RIC: The offspring of Wall-E and EVE?]

aww!!! so cute! Pixar often creates couples that make you wonder “Could they get married? Could they have a child?” Like walle and eve, buxx and jessie, and Sally and McQueen. You always wonder what the next level is for the relationships.

you said buxx sorry if i sound mean but when i saw the 2 x’s i laughed my but off buxx i get what your saying tho u meant buzz

Just think of the quotes E-RIC would say:




LOL I can so see that! “No Hal, that’s my chickenpot pie bad cockroach!”

Wait, Eric Cartman doesn’t have a father! so, does EVE becomed widowed or something?