Wall•E Builder's Group

Here is a photo of WALL-E with the top details painted flat black.

I will need to make a stand to set him on the ground turned over on his top so I can paint the bottom details.

Let me know what you think.


PS. If you would like to scratch build your own WALL-E feel free to come and join the WALL-E Builders Yahoo Group [url]http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/wallebuilders/[/url]

Looks great with the paint. :sunglasses:

Thanks, Its taken me a while to get to this point and I like the result so far.
I had many people ask for the plans I used to make my WALL-E and while I was building him I found a few things that needed changed before I posted them to the Original WALL-E Builders.

The file isn’t perfect but there is enough information to make a great scratch built WALL-E.

I can’t make pdf files so anyone who wants a copy needs to have a .dwg .dfx viewer.

One thing people need to keep in mind is that once better information is out there the file will change.

We are in the process of converting the file into something more professional but since so many people asked me for drawings I felt something was better than nothing.

If you would like the file feel free to join the fun here:


And the file is located here:



That’s looking awesome, but if I were to make one myself, I’d make it life-size. But that’s just me.

It’s looking great though - can’t wait to see it when it’s completed! :smiley:

He is life sized :wink:

I’ll have more photos up by the end of the week.


He is? :open_mouth: Looks huger, but then again I’m not so sure what his actual size is compared to a human, yet.

He’s supposed to be somewhere around 19" square.
Sadly that is not a confirmed dimension and during my build process I built him closer to 20".

Until I get better dimensions he is very close to his correct size.

I should have him 100% complete by this weekend and I hope to display him at my local theater.



Here he is guys.

I am so close to finishing him I can taste it…or is it the MDF dust?

[url]Re: Re: Re: Re: My WALL-E Build video update - YouTube

I hope you enjoy it.

I uploaded the drawings I made for this build to the Original WALL-E Builders Group on Yahoo.
Feel free to join the fun.


Here is one more video update and a couple photos of my build.
I hope you enjoy them.

[url]WALL-E is almost done. - YouTube

Wow, that’s absolutely brilliant, Ohio_Astromech! Such painstaking attention to detail…Great colour choice, too.

He isn’t as detailed as I would like.
The next body shell I make wil be for my R/C WALL-E.

Dave Buckley (Ramjet) has made an 8 page set of drawings for WALL-E’s drive train that I would venture to say are as close as anyone can get.

They are in the files area of the WALL-E Builders Group [url]http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/wallebuilders/[/url]

His attention to detail should get him a job at Pixar. :smiley:


WALL-E is finished.

Here is my last video update.

[url]WALL-E is finished - YouTube

I hope you enjoyed my build.

Scot Washburn

Cool. I think you did a really great job with that.

But…my only complaint…

You have to smile more. :smiley:

Why no head?

Well, The original thought was to have a full build.
I started creating a set of drawings for WALL-E last year but due to lack of good images and known dimensions it was slow going.
I stumbled across a set of high resolution images and it helped bring the drawings to the point where I could start building.

I wanted to have him ready for the premiere but as time started slipping away the project had to be scaled back.

It went from a full build to just his body where the body would shake and his eyes would peek out the top.
Then the American Axil Strike idled my plant and I was layed off.
This made it so he was only going to be static.

Other issues were that good images of his suspension were not avalible to make the track system accurate.

This build was also used to see where my drawings needed to be adjusted.
I have made changes to my drawings and they are now avalible to anyone who wants them.

If you would like a set you can either join the WALL-E Builders Yahoo Group or you can send me your e-mail to my Pixar Planet messenger and I will send a set to you.

The next WALL-E I will build will be more accurate and R/C.

I will be sure to post about that when I start.

All in all I think he turned out pretty good and I am happy with him.


I have never posted a photo of myself on the internet before and had just made my first appearance on Youtube. :smiley:

Next time I’ll smile more.


Edited. I combined both of your posts. – Mitch

If this is a repeat of something already posted here, or if it’s actaully from someone already here on the forums, just disregard. I don’t really read this thread, but came across this and thought if people here didn’t know about it, you might want to. Again, if this is old news, just disregard…
slipperybrick.com/2008/06/bu … mpartment/