WALL•E Building

I know it’s nothing really to brag about, yet, but here’s the first constructed piece in my Cardboard WALL-E

It took a while but I feel like I’m finally beginning to make progress!

Thanks for posting this, even if it isn’t the finished project! It’s nice to see the progress and step by step process.

Very creative!

You think the wheel’s a little big?

Thanks E-J-E! You guys know I love posting my DIY PIXAR Builds here!

@somethingguy912 Nope! Since my WALL-E’s going to be slightly larger than 2 feet tall, which is screen accurate based on the approximate height to a Fire Hydrant, and his wheels are around 1/4th his total height, I measured them to be around 13 inches in diameter.

More pics to come soon!

Whew, got some more finished parts on my Cardboard WALL-E! Just finished creating all of the wheels as well as the primary axels, so it’s beginning to take shape!

Stay tuned for more!

Wall-E : Wall-E?

I like how the toy WALL-E is watching over your progress!

It’s like a Wall-E is watching over the creation of a Wall-A.

I mean I still have a lot to go though, but at least my current progress is taking shape. My ultimate goal is to be finished in time for the Bay Area Maker Faire, May 21 or at the very least before July 15th.

I’m also working on giant cardboard versions of M-O, EVE, VAQ-M, PR-T, and VN-GO.

Cardboard EVE sounds like a challenge, do you have a game plan for her?

Yeah, all of my other robots will be built from giant scaled up paperkraft versions. I then plan to coat them with fiberglass epoxy resin to make them extremely durable so I can fit all the electronics in. It’s pretty much the same way people made those awesome Halo props were made.

Your going to have to work out a lot of dimensions and curves to get the perfect eggshell shaped eve!

Yep! I was originally planning her as an inflatable blimp, but I can’t get the physics to work out in time for the faire…

Anyway, almost done with a draft VAQ-M!


So I hit a small roadbump with WALL-E, just minor issues understanding some of the plans, so took a break to work on Giant VAQ-M papercraft. I hope they get rescaled to fit for this forum.

I’ll probably coat it with fiberglass resin to reinforce it later. Anyway vacation over, back to WALL-E!

THanks for taking pictures of your various steps, it’s nice to see the evolution if it. Looks very great!

That so cool! I love your VAQ-M papercraft!

Thanks! The papercraft is really only the first step, I plan on coating the build in fiberglass resin and then rewiring a Shop Vac Vacuum once that’s done. Also, I’ll probably end up replacing the boxy neck for a more suitable accordion style one.

You got VAQ-M done pretty quickly there!


Sorry haven’t been posting on the forum a while now, been super busy with all my Bay Area Maker Faire 2011 preparations. Anyway, bad news. Ran out of time to build my amazing Cardboard WALL-E Replica so it looks like I won’t be able to present it this year. Oh, I will still be working on it after the faire, just can’t show it off in time.

But GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! By lowering slightly my expectations I was able to build this Giantly Adequate WALL-E Papercraft from Paper-Replika’s site! Standing around 26 inches tall, this guy is made from 150 pages of super thick cardstock paper and is 400% the size of the original. Plus, since it was so inexpensive to make, I’ll be able to give him away in a free drawing, courtesy of DIY PIXAR!
