WALL•E Fan Commentaries

I’m fine with starting up to two hours early (around 2 pm Berlin time).

Thanks for the update. :sunglasses:

Alright, so I think I finally got it working again. Apparently, it was a driver issue. There where 2 drivers for the same mouse and I think it was getting confused.

Unfortunately, there is no possible way I could prepare my computer and have it ready for the commentary in 5 hours, hardly enough time to sleep. (Believe it or not, I’m up at ~2:00 in the morning working on this stuff!)

So, have fun! I’ll just have to get a spot next year. XD

Aw, sorry you couldn’t make it, Mygames19! :frowning:

To the rest, thanks for being considerate! I’ll see hear you all in one hour. :slight_smile:

Hey, great job again guys, can’t wait to check out the finished product, it was great to listen in on you guys. Made the movie better for me, :smiley: We gotta have another group chat soon!

This was one of the most fun I’ve had doing a commentary.I can’t wait to hear the recording.

(Fun Fact: I’ve been waiting forever for Wall-E to be shown on Starz or another movie channel, and today, it was :smiley:)

Nice second WALL-E session! It sounded really fun and upbeat. Great work!

Chatting with you guys before/during/afterwards was cool, and it will be good to do that again even if it’s during one of ffdude1906’s movie-watching sessions. When I get tired I get quiet, which is why I wasn’t saying much at the end, heheh. But still, we should organise another get-together in the near future, yeah? :slight_smile:

I hope so… XD

I can’t wait to hear it eather. After all, I was gonna be in it, and what fun would it be to not know what I missed? lol

Unfortunately, I think my main computer’s finally given up the ghost. Why that’s important to you? Well, I was gonna release a Private Beta of the Wall-E Fangame to those of you participating, but a few days of that got lost with the computer, so it’s no where near ready for testing.

However, on my birthday (the 31st of this month), I MIGHT had it out to those who participated in the commentary, along with my Beta Testers of course. :wink:

So any of the commentie’s with a Windows computer and is willing to give the Beta a go, send me a PM and I’ll see if I can have a beta ready for you guys by the 31st.

You did miss a pretty good time Mygames, after the commentary, we ended up just talking for about 2-3 hours. I had a great time.

No doubt. Awesome time. Andre/TDIT was talking about setting something like that up, kinda like a round-table thingy or something. I really need to start planning my movie-night thingy too. :\

Here it is! NTSC, PAL.

Mygames19 - I’d love to beta test your game again so just go ahead and send it to me whenever it’s done. :slight_smile:

qxgnxamy - Thanks Peter! Another commentary promptly online - success! :smiley:

Thanks Peter for getting that up. :slight_smile:

I always love when commentaries start, they have a really long pause at the beginning. Once the conversation started, it just flows. “I wouldn’t be surprise if there was a reference to every Pixar film here…–” “The toaster, he he.” And I say ‘like’ a lot :stuck_out_tongue: Eucg. But I think we did good.

Yes, I believe we have.

Sign me up for any future meetings we may have, you guys are fun to talk with. If someone wants to do any spontaneous meetings, if it says I’m online, feel free to send a message or a call. :sunglasses:

Mygames: If it’s not a problem, I’d like to try the Beta. :smiley: Oh yeah, and I saw your post about what program you use for .gif’s and I have downloaded the program myself, and it is really nice. I’ve been searching for a gif animator since the online source I would use went down.

TDIT: I watched your vid. Dude, that is great. Never would I have thought to put Wall-E and Austin Powers together… I couldn’t stop laughing. I also subscribed to your channel.

Yeah, great session, guys! This was honestly the most fun I’ve had for a commentary, I get the feeling we all ‘clicked’ and responded to each other’s trivias and observations (and of all the days we could have done it, it was Sunday! I forgot to mention that when I heard POYSC :stuck_out_tongue:).

thewisecookiesheet/Lauren, you made some interesting discussion points, I may have to listen to the commentary again, but if this was your first feature commentary (is it?), you did great as a first-timer!

And totoro/David, you weren’t as talkative, but when you did say something, it always made me laugh (well, not always, but your observations were very precise and succint).

I hope I didn’t talk too much, I strangely had to hold myself back from becoming too much of a chatterbox for this particular one. :blush: And if Lauren thought she had it bad, I found myself repeating “or something like that” or “you know?” You know, something like that? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks to ffdude1706/Chris and Rachel for taking time to be ‘spectators’ to our little commentary.

And as always, a big thank you to Peter for hosting the commentary and posting the audio clip in a timely fashion.

Nice one, everyone. :smiley:

P.S. With regards to the suggestion of having a weekly chat meeting, I was thinking whether it would be a good idea to merge it with ffdude’s movie screenings, sort of like what happened in an impromptu way after that commentary. So it’s like going for dinner after the movie, those who want to stay and have a conversation about the film or any random Pixar stuff can hang around afterwards. It creates an event/reason to come online and talk stuff. Does anyone think this ‘two birds with one stone’ approach is a good idea, or would you rather have it as separate occassions?

P.P.S. Pity you couldn’t come, Mygames19! :frowning: As consolation, I’m eager to sign up as a beta tester!

That sounds good TDIT, rachel was wanting to do a movie night over just general chat anyway, so doing both together sounds like it’d be a bit more substantial, I’m all for it! I’m gonna need some info on when you can do it though, that’s the main thing.

If you meant in general, then straight after the movie. We just linger like we did last night and talk about the film or anything Pixar-related.

If you meant me personally, I gave you my schedule of my preferred timings for this Wed’s meeting, so I’ll stay till the end of those time-slots. :wink:

TDIT: This was my second feature, but thanks anyways :laughing:

I see what you mean. Because we’d all meet up and have no idea of what to do. “Hey. What’cha wanna do?” “Iono. What chu wanna do?” “Iono. --” Erm. No thanks. Although, if we want to do it with just those for the commentary, we could probably watch a short to get things started.

:blush: And it was my dvd that kept coming through. It was really low though, one more notch on the wheel, and the dvd player would’ve been silent. I can hear it when I dut. (darn habit)

Edit: I forgot to ask, who was it that mentioned the Katzenburg quote from Animation Magazine after the commentary? I want to give a highfive to a fellow animag subscriber ;p

TDIT: Yeah, I know I’m not the most talkative person, and its even more difficult in English, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.

The “two-bird-with-one-stone” approach is fine with me. We definitely should have a chat session like that after every commentary. :slight_smile:

I did mention Katzenberg once about him saying that they were concentrating more on the 3-D effect to enhance MonstersvAliens instead of the story, but it was not a direct quote and I think I read that from 3d World (also another great mag, though it’s a little technical), if that’s what you meant.

That’s okay, it’s cool to have international fans to talk to. I’m sorry if I’m mistaken, or if you have mentioned this, but are you German (from the accent and mentioning of the German dub)?

That’s correct.

Just did a viewing with the commentary, Great job you guys! There where a few parts where I wish I was there to say something, but apart from that i’m okay. XD
Also, you all seemed to flow really well, I only heard 2 or 3 interruptions throughout the entire film. :slight_smile:

Also, just a reminder, anyone who participated in a Commentary and wants to test my Wall-E Fangame for Windows (which you can learn more about here: [url]http://www.pixarplanet.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4626&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0[/url]), please PM me before July 29th. If your already a Beta Tester your good. :wink: