Wall-E In other Pixar movies???

[url]Pixar Walle Easter Egg - YouTube

(Sry if there’s already a topic like this)

I can’t believe I never caught that! It’s so cool! :astonished:

I don’t know if there’s already been a topic on this either (most likely there has), but as far as I know, this is fake. I had the same reaction as you, but then I saw a bunch of people online saying it was fake, so I tested the Cars one personally and I have to say that it’s not real.

Whoever made this did a fantastic job though.

Yeah, it’s fake. I checked The Incredibles and Toy Story for it once before.

Yeah, there have been a few topics about this, though I can’t seem to find one at the moment. The conclusion was the same though, that it’s fake. For a list of all the Pixar in-jokes members on here have managed to find so far, have a look here- The Definitive Pixar In-Jokes List. I’ll lock this one up now.