WALL•E parody in new Simpsons episode

That didn’t made sense ( I guess if I watched the entire episode I can see how all this ties in), I mean, what’s with the green paint job and the honey connection? But I agree it’s pretty hilarious if not a pleasant surprise, to see a reference to such a recent film. Laugh out loud, Homer just got ‘cubed’! :smiley:

Erm, honey? As in hon-E? Pun? And I think the green paint is to stress the WALL-E is from the future and is all ‘alien-like.’ His eyes do look freakish. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still don’t get the honey reference, sorry. And the new Simpsons eps seem to try to be like Family Guy with non-sensical references. And this is even though the creators of TS dislike FG. Such a shame since The Simpsons used to be one of the best shows on television.

But any pop culture reference would be good for Pixar in terms of audience awareness, I suppose.

Heh, seems like no one is able to take a joke nowadays…

WBoon - No, it’s not that… it’s just that I don’t really understand the type of humour that The Simpsons is going for these days. When I compare the show it is now to what it used to be, it is totally different. But I guess we can agree to disagree on whether that WALL•E joke was funny. Everyone has a different sense of humour, and there’s no strict definition on what is and isn’t funny… :slight_smile:

Well, I didn’t mean any offense, first off. :wink: I’m just saying that, it’s a joke; laugh off it. We move on, walk on to the next joke, and let ourselves be entertained by it. If we aren’t, then move on, no need to stay and ponder on whether if the joke was worthy of a laugh or not.

Not saying that that was your intention, but now my point is clarified. :slight_smile:

Yeah, but you know what us Pixar fans are like: anything that is to do with the studio we focus on and pick it apart, saying what we did and didn’t like about it, or the representation of the company, their decisions etc That’s just what we do. We’re just as bad as Star Trek fans, really. 8D

But if I was watching a Simpsons episode, I’d be like “Ok, that joke wasn’t funny, but moving on…” but the trouble is, I don’t find any of their jokes funny these days. They’re just so forced. But each to their own.

:laughing: That was interesting.

Rachel- Let’s be honest, we’re worse than Trekkies. :laughing:

:laughing: That was my favorite Simpson’s ever!

Yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with that. We can be pretty ruthless when Disney or Pixar makes a decision we don’t like. Like when they didn’t attach the Up trailer to WALL•E… Ok, maybe that was just me. 8D

I don’t get why they made Wall-E green either. By now The Simpsons should be way past having to make up characters for legal reasons whenever they do a parody of them. You know one reason they always dressed Bart up as Bartman early on is because they couldn’t show Batman yet.