WALL-E / Watchmen Mashup Trailer

Dude, since you got a message like that, I must treat you like a God. To get a PM from Mr. Stanton is just unreal.

That was off the hizzle! You wouldn’t think WALL•E could be edited into something so dark. Everything is just so top-notch with this. You certainly deserve all of the praise that’s been given. I love the FCC warning at the beginning of the vid, too. Well done. :smiley:

And wow, Andrew Stanton created a YouTube account just to message you? That is excellent and must make you feel like the trouble was worth it. As others here have said, Andrew regularly reads Upcoming Pixar so that certainly is possible that it was him. Here’s a link to an interview where he said so. I suppose it’s possible that they browse this forum, too, since it is pretty popular and comes up in search engines a lot.

Ha-ha! “Mr. Awesome Sauce”. Where’d you get that nickname from? Mind if I borrow it? (Not for me - for Andrew. Heheh.)

Wow, that was really good! Amazing quality with the graphics and imagery. You dont often see mash-ups done that well.

Well, all the best to you in achieving your goal! From what I’ve seen, you’re a magnificent editor, so you definitely have that talent in your favor.
As far as illustration goes, I’m sure you’d be able to hone your abilites in that arena to the point where they’re beyond exceptional. Whatever works for you is the way to go, though.

It has international versions of the trailers?! Awesome.

Thank you very much for posting up (and providing a link to) those images, by the way! Viewing them only makes me more tempted to purchase the WALL-E Blu-Ray disc, even though I’m devoid of a Blu-Ray player at the moment.

So that’s where it was reported! I know that you were responding to AtomicGreymon, but… thanks for the link! :wink:

– Mitch

Aw man, I’m so sorry Atomic Greymon! I musta got your vid mixed up with DarkTails’ (who made a similarly excellent Wall-E/Watchmen trailer by the way, fellow PP members), so I’ve given you the comments you deserved on the Wall-E Forum.

But I’ll say this: It’s the most professionally-done trailer mash-up I’ve ever witnessed! Where most trailer mashers would be content with just synching the video to the audio (like me :blush: ), you actually went all the way and customised your MPAA warning, taglines and even the title card! It was that seamless and detailed, and you deserve much kudos for it.

I’m interested to see how you can top this! :wink:

And you should seriously consider video editing if that’s your passion. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing a little of your sketches if you ever got down to drawing.

Rachel - Think I heard it used on the Wall-E Forums. Sure, you can use it, I didn’t invent it, and I guess Mr Stanton wouldn’t mind. :laughing: