wannabechef91's fanart.

Oh wow, that’s an excellent picture dude! Awesome job, I love it! You’ve improved a lot, keep it up!

Oh wow, that’s an excellent picture dude! Awesome job, I love it! You’ve improved a lot, keep it up!

Thanks a lot ffdude1906! I’m glad you like it!

Great job on the drawing of Muntz! Like ffdude1906 said, you’re improving. Keep it up! :smiley:

Hey guys, thanks a bunch for those constructive comments. I really, really appreciate it! Wow! I guess I did a hell of a good job. :stuck_out_tongue: This fanart currently my favorite fanart I ever made.

You guys really inspire me. Honest. Just like Linguini and Colette. :smiley:
You guys are like catalyst that make me to do further than I ever imagined. I admit that I don’t have any talents or skills in drawing or even a sketch. But thanks to you guys, I have achieved more than my own capabilities. :smiley:

Kudos to y’all. Credits to PP members and mods.

I feel the same way, that drawing I did of Carl is the perfect example, that wasn’t me drawing! I’d be working on a project right now if I hadn’t accidentally locked my sketch book in my friend’s room, UGH, I’M NEVER GONNA FINISH IT

What d’you mean it’s not your drawing, LOL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I just hope that you’ll finish your project ASAP. I can’t wait to see it!

Well what I meant is that I never thought I was capable of drawing that well, it’s like someone really good at drawing took over my body and drew it for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey! I feel the same too! It’s like being possessed or something. LOL.

Btw, I really want you guys to check out this sketch LOL. Freaks me out big time.
Which mean not a good context.


Hmm, interesting, try not to make his facial features too lifelike, keep it cartoony.

Actually, and to be honest, I do not like it.
But I’ll take that as a compliment. :smiley:

Apparently, I gave it to my friend as she likes it. LOL.

Interesting fact: My friends wondered that Up is as good as it said (from my mouthy and the media)
I said: whuttttt?! You’re questioning Pixar?

LOL. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is my drawing of Captain McCrea that I drew without looking references. I really have to work my drawing skills out.

Great Attempt Chef

Thanks Cap!

Well I really need more critiques though. Now I’m about to attempt by drawing Fluffy. No, I mean, Gus.

My recent sketching with shading. Thanks to Hannahmation and Mygames19 for the tips. Now I really have to kick some pencil’s butt. :smiley:

Sketchies smoochies.

Not bad. It’s not often I have seen side-profiles of character’s heads before. I like the details you’ve included, like the ‘old-person-spots’ on his temple (if anyone know the correct term for it, let me know). Your style seems to be quite angular and a bit reminscent of Captain Pan’s, but I think it’s distinguishable enough. I’ll have to go through your earlier artwork when I have more time, but keep improving!

Well, thanks TDIT. I really appreciate your comment.

TDIT: I believe you’re referring to liver spots. (odd name,…)

Excellent job chef, this looks a bit similar to the pic of Carl sitting on his bed in the Art of Up. Looks really great, and the shading you have is nice! Definitely a step up from before, keep it up! :wink:

Aah…that’s it. It is Carl. Using reference of Daniel Lopez Munoz’s sketching. I gotta say he’s a great character animator. Wow, I need to learn from him personally. Too bad he doesn’t tweet.

Oh, well, thanks ffdude1906! Guess I need to practice more of these. What book suitable book should I buy right now? Hannah said that Animators’ Survival Kit is pretty awesome.

Oh, chef, I KNOW! He’s got the most amazing pieces in that book, he’s definitely my favorite artist. Some of those pictures, especially the digital renders, are incredible. Such an impressive artist, he’s awesome.