What About the Ladies?

miafka- That’s a very good point, concerning the old animated Disney films. I hadn’t thought about that…But that is just the thing- they’re not very recent. It seems like all the recent films are much more male-dominated, for some reason. But yes, a good point!

Also, I don’t think it matters that they’ve been about inanimate objects like cars and toys and things because, at the end of the day, Pixar have given these objects personalities so that we can relate to them on a human level, and on a human level, there have generally been male leading characters in Pixar’s films.

I was also wondering about the mother/father thing in Pixar films. With the exception of FN and TI, each main parent in the Pixar films was a mother. :confused: What happened to the fathers?

I remember talking about this in my Psychology of gender class last year which I’ve mentioned before. The teacher was all on about how there are way more male characters in movies than female ones (not just Pixar, but movies in general) and unfortunately used Cars as an example of a sexist movie. Which I didnt agree with because so what? yes i like to see the “strong female character” but I dont sit there and call a movie sexist because there’s more males. But whatever. I didnt have to agree with everything she said.

I didn’t completely look over the topic, so I’m just going with the initial start heh ^^
Wouldn’t EVE be considered a female lead? I mean in WALL-E, him and EVE are pratcially the main characters. And since they’re saying it’s morely like a lovestory, it invovles 2, hence two main charaters ^

I think the fact that the title is WALL*E pretty much tells us who the plot revolves around.

We’ll have to wait for the film to open to know for sure, but again it seems like a case of the female character or a relationship with the female character being a catalyst for the action or journey of the male character.

I have to agree with Nexas and RaeKasey, even though that’s sorta contradictory. Heheh. O__o

Nexas, you are absolutely right; if WALL•E is a lovestory, there has to be two main characters, in this case, WALL•E and EVE.

RaeKasey, you are also right; the title is clearly WALL•E, which basically tells who the story is about.

I think EVE is like Colette in Ratatouillel; not exactly a main character, but still very important to the story. However, EVE moreso. goes nuts

Quick tip: Expect an announcement somewhat related to this thread today!

Just going back to Miyazaki…in Japan, there were no females in Kabuki theater. Men played ALL of the roles including the female ones, so they do have a better understanding of female roles. We don’t have that in this society. And it is much harder to get into a womans head - we are so much more complicated- its easier for a woman to think like a man. No I am not trying to sound sexist. It’s simple biology.

Brenda Chapman, the first female to direct an animated film (THE PRINCE OF EGYPT), will direct Pixar’s THE BEAR AND THE BOW.

The protagonist is female :wink:

Not so sexist now, to the ladies of this board, I hope.

YES! Thank you so much, Pixar! :smiley:

I think that the title should be changed to “What about the females”, as that would make sense.

Whenever I read the subject of this thread, I can hear the voice of Tim Meadows as The Ladies’ Man.

“Ooo, it’s a lady!”

hey guys. im new here. this is actually my first post! :smiley:
i know! when i become a pixar directer, i already have ideas for female characters. dont worry, glyph. they are defenitly not perfect! my one main character that im really focused on is a twelve year old girl who, after her parents died, is emotionally neglected by her siiste. she then discovers she can talk to wolves.

Lol! I hear lines from the Aristocats, which is weird since I haven’t watched it in ten years. I hear “Cause I’m a lady, that’s why!” xD

Anyways … I think Pixar likes the notion of a strong female role … I might’ve said it before … about Joan Cusack and Ellen Degeneres … it’s somewhere …

“It’s there! I know it is!” ~ Dory. xD

Man, I’ve been having too many quotes come to mind today, not just here either.

Nice idea :slight_smile: and Welcome to Pixar Planet.

“neglected by her siiste”

ooops! i meant sister. :blush:

i think the main reason pixar doesnt have many female characters is the directors are all men. though id like to mention, i am sick and tired of perfect disney girl characters.

Gabriella- from hsm, so thats already a point against her for me.:wink: she also is smart, pretty, nice, and a good singer. i guess you could say she is “shy” but by the end of the movie, she isnt even that!

Miley Stuart- smart, nice, pretty, can sing, and she doesnt even have a fake fault.

kim possible- smart, pretty, nice, can do cool flips, popular, never lies.

and those are only a couple.

I was just on another thread about this same issue. If it’s okay, I’m just gonna quote myself.

It’s just a basic rule of how writers relate to characters. Often, when a male writers, more male character are in it, and vice versa. Get a female writer, they’ll be more female. Doesn’t make anybody sexist. That’s just how writers work. I am working on a novel, and 2/3 main characters including the main main one are female. Doesn’t mean I have a problem with guys. The guy character is strong and interesting. That’s just how I write.

Hello, I’m new to Pixar Planet.

What I like is that even if they are not the central characters, the females are strong and special, and won’t let people mess with them so easily. And that the males need their help at some point.

Kinda like what Netbug009 said, only may I add that Boo is also a strong female. Yeah, she’s a little kid and doesn’t understand what’s going on, but she is actually braver than most kids her age. And without Boo, Mike and Sully wouldn’t have ever thought of making a Laugh Floor instead of a Scare Floor.

You could think of it this way: the males are central in Pixar films, however, they couldn’t have succeded the way they did without the females (hmm, maybe Toy Story is an exception). In some movies like Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, the girls are central, but they need to get rescued or helped by the males.

Yeah! Boo too! I was tempted to use her as an example, but I wanted sure.

Welcome BTW! Nice icon. XD shot

Thanks! You made my avatar, Netbug, so I have you to thank:)

Also, well, these aren’t spoilers, just what I think, but I’ll mark it anyway.

In upcoming Pixar films, if what I’ve heard is true, Brooke, in Newt, will be street smart. Princess Merida, in The Bear and the Bow, seems like a headstrong, determined character. And I don’t think Jessie will lose her character in Toy Story 3…