What did you dream about last night?

Correct. :wink:

B-on-T: I dreamt that my old drama teacher was teaching English. O__o

Last night i dreamt i was in a plane and i was heading California. All of a sudden i was in Paris France with aliens and we were having a drink together ! :P

Kinda weird :?: :-\

Rofl :laughing:

I dreamt Hancock and The Joker were in an Orbit commercial. Hancock was like, “Clean yo dirty mouth, boy…with Orbit!” And The Joker was just standing their doing that freaky thing with his tongue.

:open_mouth: Awesome. :laugh:

Here is a dream that I had. I was dreaming of the Olympics being played with chinese zodiac animals.

Hehe, wow, that just made my day. :smiley:

I just had the most jacked up dream ever. Which means it beats the previous holder of that title (and that dream involved the teen titans, Jennifer Anniston, and that sloth thing from Hoth :open_mouth: )
I won’t go into the whole dream, but it involved most to thinks I saw on tv/thought about/watched on youtube. Those influences include: futuristic city, post-apocalyptic planetscapes, robots, the joker and scarecrow (DK style), Soul Eater, mega-man, batman’s apprentices, the Olympics, wall-e, resident evil, pirates, the tv show ‘A Haunting’, star wars, mirror’s edge, nintendo, and metal gear.
No more sticky buns for me before bed o.O


wow you have a quick memory system.

(my night was a black screen)

TSS: You must be a Google fan. :laughing:
Remy14: :laughing: That is hilarious. ROFLOLMBOQXZ
Haunt: :open_mouth: I think I’ll have stickybunophobia after reading that. :laughing: jk
Al: I have no clue how Haunt does it. I usually only remember for about an hour or less after i wake up. :laughing: ← help me, i’m getting addicted to this smiley oh noes!

Al-Bob: It works long term too. I can remember dreams from a young age, around 4 I’d say. That’s mostly because I don’t dream normal, everyday dreams. The are usually high fantasy and in 3rd person. A sensitive imagination and the anal retentive need to have lots of detail have resulted in some pretty spectacular dreams.

It was one of those gradual wake-ups where the dream was still kind of going even though the “house lights” were coming up (as it were). First thing I did was grab my sketch pad and bullet point the major plot sequences and sketch some of the images. Two of my stories have come into being that way. Obviously I can’t do too much with this one because of all the copyrighted stuff, but the images were priceless.
Oh, and normally my freaky dreams are induced by eating popcorn too late at night. I haven’t had any in days, so a dream like that was unexpected. :unamused:

I had a dream that the Olympics was played by Pixar characters.

rachel - Ha-ha. I like the last part of your dream. :wink:

FounderofAzn - That is classic. :laughing:

Haunt - Pfff. Ha! You should lend me some of those buns. My dreams are so uneventful these days…

– Mitch

ROTFLOL! 8D Be sure to share some of those with me, first. :laughing:

A113 - Ha! Oh, they’re terrible. Many of the dreams I had during childhood were very “ominous”, mysterious, intimidating, or just plain unusual, and I still have similar dreams to this day (although they aren’t as interesting as they used to be). I’ve noticed that I tend to have one extremely pleasing dream about once or twice a year, for some odd reason. I wish that they came more often, but the truth is that I stress out about minor things so often that they’re incorporated into my brain’s “nightly wanderings”. It’s terrible… :unamused: (snigger)

– Mitch

nothing, but an easy way to make yourself dizzy in to breathe in the smell of a newly opened 35mm film canister.

Haunt That seems true…i’ll rememer dreams i had years and years ago (about 10) while i’ll remember absolutely nothing today.
Walle Ouhh…that has to hurt the senses.

I had a dream recently that someone I loved* (who passed away not long ago) returned to visit me.
The same thing happened to my father. When my grandfather died, my father had a dream that he came back and told him he was doing fine.

(*when I say “loved”, I don’t mean you-know-what kind of love)

bright dot-dasher I had a dream like that when my cousin died. Wierd.

I had a dream that i was watching the Incredibles :laughing:

Trust you.