What did you dream about last night?

except the darkness and golden cross one, the one I posted yesterday, that is all I can remember.

I remember this dream that the Great Flood was coming, and my family knew about it, and I was told to pack some and leave behind a lot. I was trying to decide whether I should pack my bike.

I hate it when you have really awesome dreams that you could probably make into a movie, but then you quickly forget it. you know what I mean :question: :question: :question:

ya nathan…your like…WOW that was fantastic…what was it again??? oh boy :imp:

Exactly my point Al-Bob

Actually, I’ve had a dream like that too! It was a few years ago, but I remember that I was Flik, and Hopper somehow had escaped being eaten by the bird, so he came back to the anthill with a huge army of grasshoppers trying to capture me and enslave the ants. I ran back into the anthill to warn everyone, but Thumper was following me around and chasing me, until I ran into a tunnel and he got caught in a randomly placed web made by Rosie. Then somehow all the grasshoppers were gone and all the ants were celebrating. And then I woke up. xD

I’m usually pretty good at remembering dreams, and when I have one that I think was really weird or really cool, I write it down in my journal. That’s really all there is in my journal…a bunch of random dreams! It’s always fun to go back and read them.

A few nights ago, I had this really awesome dream where I could fly, and I was flying through this city at night full of huge brightly lit skyscrapers, and I would fly through them then up above the whole city where I could see these mountains in the distance. I always loved flying dreams!

I had a dream long ago that I got kidnapped, then my escape was to fly over the ocean. For some reason, I found myself giving a shamoo a bath. Random, huh?

wow…a shamoo??

Shampooh to a shamoo…LOL

that is pretty odd though.

I had a dream a while back that me and soem people I know had superpowers. I had the power to stop time, one has the poer to run superfast, one to teleport. It was cool. I only thought of it 'cos heroes is coming back for season 3 over here.

I had a dream that I was playing chess with Edna Mode, and she won because she wouldn’t stop talking and I couldn’t concentrate.

he, he, that is soooo Edna Mode TSS :exclamation:

The odd thing was, the chess board was all Incredibles Pieces.

King: Mr. Incredible & Syndrome
Queen: Elastigirl & Mirage
Bishop: Frozone & Viper
Knight: Dash & Velocipod
Rook: Violet & Omnidroid
Pawn: Jack-Jack & Nomanisan Island soldiers.

Whoa! That’s random :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Random? Yes, but boy, what I would give for a chess set like that. Alas, it was only a dream.

But it could be invented someday. I had a dream that involved a fountain on a piano. And another one that involved holographic moving pictures as wallpaper.

I had a dream last night I was suffering from a disease called Uckt Dismorphia or something like that and I had 8-11 years left to live. My sisters suffered from it too, but they only had 5 years left to live, and when it came for their time to die, we had a big ceremony. Then my fish caught it and died almost instantly…

It was actually a really sad dream.

Thats was a bad dream!

That’s an awesome dream, i would definitly buy the chess board if it comes out someday… :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s nice the all of you who posted here could remember your dream; I’ve had many dreams before, but I seemed to always forget about them upon awakening.

I’ll second that Wboon, as soon as i wake up i remeber one half of the dream … :stuck_out_tongue: