What does the Toy Story 3 DVD have?

I dont have a bluray, does anyone know what the DVD will have.

Cars 2 Teaser Trailer

Day And Night Theatrical Short

Bonus: The Gang’s All Here, Toys! Epilogue

Buzz Lightyear Mission Logs: The Science Of Adventure (with NASA)

Paths To Pixar: Editorial

Studio Stories: Where’s Gordon, Cereal Bar, Clean Start

A Toy’s Eye View: Creating A Whole New Land

Alex Syntek (Mexican Music Video for You’ve Got a Friend in Me)

That’s all that Amazon lists. Interesting to see the commentary not listed, I would assume at least the standard one would be there as with Up last year.

I have the standard Up single disc DVD, and there’s definitely no commentary on it. Blargh.

Cars 2 Teaser Trailer: cancelled
Day and Night Theatrical Short: available on iTunes since before the movie’s release
The Gang’s All Here - Epilogue: just the credits scene in widescreen format
Buzz Lightyear Mission Logs - The Science of Adventure: a one minute ad for the NASA website ala Wall-E
Paths to Pixar - Editorial: sounds interesting
Studio Stories: can’t wait
A Toy’s Eye-View: also sounds interesting
Alex Syntek Music Video: okay

I know it’s the movie that counts, but it’s obvious that the standard DVD edition got the scraps of the table.

The Cars 2 Trailer wont be on it?
Well dang…That would have been awesome to see…

The DVD seems like A ripoff to the Bluray, Thats were they put all the effert.

Another standard may be a movie related sshort on the DVD, but sadly that didn’t happen.

I agree. I’m annoyed they didn’t even include a commentary.

I could be wrong but haven’t the commentaries been absent from all Pixar dvd’s that had a blu ray counterpart?

The 2 disc Up DVD had a commentary, and I think WALL-E might’ve too. (Only the 2 disc ones, though.)

Nope. The DVD editions of Wall-E and Up have commentaries.

There’s really no commentary on the UP DVD? That doesn’t seem fair at all.

It’s already bad enough that DVD owners only get limited features, but at least keep the commentary. I guess it makes sense since Blu Rays are newer and of course can hold more content, but it’s still not fair for the DVD people out there.

I hope you guys get a commentary on your copies of Toy Story 3. If not that then at least a few more extras. :confused:

It works a bit different where I am. In the UK, the DVD of Ratatouille is a 2-Disc Edition. The second disc has many features possibly imported from the Blu-Ray. However, there was no commentary. I don’t understand why we got the 2-Disc DVD exclusively. I think the US deserve it too, especially since the film was made there. Sadly, they only got the 1-Disc Edition. If I’m not mistaken though, Austrailia recieved a 2-Disc Edition of Cars.

Wall-E only had a 2-Disc Edition over here. There was no 1-Disc or 3-Disc Edition. We just got a 2-Disc Edition which had plenty of bonus features and a commentary.

And finally, Up. We only got a 1-Disc Edition, but unlike the 1-Disc Edition in the US, we got the audio commentary. From what I’ve heard, in the US, you’d have to get the 2-Disc Edition of Up to get the commentary.

This thread is only making me more excited for the DVD to come out!

Grrrr! Dang Brits. :imp: Joking of course…

As we have a Toy Story 3 DVD/Blu-ray thread, it’s probably best if discussion on this topic continues there, so I’ll lock this one up.