what is your perfect Boy/Girl

Sounds like a really special person Buzz$woodyForever. She must be a lucky girl to have ya.

Yeah, I just don’t think she knows how I feel about her, and it looks like I won’t be able to tell her until next Summer, because my mom is complaining about having to drive all the way up to her house, when we had to go up that way to a wedding last weekend. Also, my mom keeps saying something about gas. :neutral_face:

Cause Gasoline is expensive nowadays.

On my note, I’m hoping I can find someone soon.

Not too soon. But soon.

I hope I find my perfect girlfriend someday. But even so, one should have a million reason why the other person is perfect in order for love to spark

I’d like a guy who:

-is a Christian like me
-is creative
-doesn’t like sports a lot (unless it’s hockey)
-isn’t controlling
-is understanding of me having aspergers
-is patient
-is funny
-doesn’t have a really dangerous job
-isn’t really tall, maybe around 5’8 or 5’9
-doesn’t have a lot of muscles, I like skinnier guys
-likes animals
-doesn’t want kids
-wants to wait for certain things until marriage

It would be a bonus if they were Italian and had black hair and brown eyes.

Amy, that list is amazing!! I love your list! Personally, I agree with every single point, except the skinnier part, and the Italian. 8D

Haha, hockey is the only sport I care for also.

Any girl who can accept me for who I am, even if sometimes I’m a unattractive nerd, which has been growing more false throughout the years that I’ve built upon my self-esteem. I tend to say things I don’t really mean (this usually is a cause of trying to spur a very bad joke), and I really only want a girl who wouldn’t take that so seriously and understand what I have to go through with my aspergers.

Also one that is cute!

It would also be nice if he didn’t have a lot of young relatives and if he was an only child, like me.

Well, I would like a girl that accepts me for who I am, who has a similar personality like me and one who is fun and passionate.

soobsyolpur: Much thanks!

Great list. It really is difficult to find people who will tolerate “us”. And usually the ones who tolerate me, only do it because of my comedy. I’m not the most lovable person.

I’m pretty sure TheWhiteFrozone thinks you are eternally lovable.

He must be crazy. :stuck_out_tongue: 8D Just kidding. He hasn’t been disillusioned yet. :open_mouth: 8D

I’d like a girl who generally will enjoy the same activities as mine, but also have stuff that she loves to do that I like to be a part of. I like someone who’s shy, quiet, laid back, or introverted.

A girl with a love of racing and a apperication for the art form that is animation. A blonde with blue eyes (that’s all I’ll get into as the physical features go :wink: ).

How much do you want your girl to love racing and animation dude? (on a scale from 1 - 10)

  1. If I found a girl like that I’d propose on the first date (maybe the 2nd or 3rd). I’hvae dated girls who were race fans, and a girl who liked animation, but never both. Though it is fun to teach someone something they don’t know too well. My last girlfriend wasn’t a race fan ad di’t really apperciate naimation much. I showed so much and it was fun to feel like the expert.

8D Best list ever!! I actually agree with all of these. Only, I wouldn’t want a girl. ;-o 8D

I tend to go for girls with dark hair, like brunettes and black haired girls. And I’d like the hair length to be longer than shoulder length. And as for the eyes, I’m okay with any kind.