What language would you like to learn?

Thanks. I took care of it. He is no more.

So I’m changing my major to International Business. I love history, but this is more practical. Also what I really want to do is to travel, and after graduating join the Peace Corps. So this would be an excellent major.

My minor is Latin American Studies. To be competitive for my future job, I need to know 2-3 languages. I’m going to continue learning Spanish, and start learning Portuguese. For my major, it’s required to Study Abroad. I’m shooting for Brazil!

Nice! We will talk in Spanish then! 8D

Yes! Man, I am so bad with Spanish. I took three semesters, and got As in all of them. Last semester I even gave a 15 minute presentation in Spanish and wrote an essay in Spanish. I can read Spanish fine and understand it. But I have trouble speaking and writing it on the spot. I felt so inadequate in my Spanish 3 class. Everyone knew so much more than me, and some even were from Mexico or traveled Costa Rica or studied abroad in Paraguay. And then there was me, can barely construct a sentence!

But I think living in a foreign country will definitely help me get past insecurities and force me to practice. Because I definitely do what to be fluent in another language.

Oh my gosh, I’m exactly the same way! I had to take three years of Spanish in high school, and sometimes I felt out of place being in the minority in school which was the non-native speakers. Luckily, my parents can speak it and were able to help me. Yeah, I agree that reading and understanding the language becomes a synch after a while especially with so many cognates and all. Plus, my teachers always loved my Spanish essays which I did without pretty much any help. The third year was my hardest though because it required so much more speaking and all. I will totally mess it up especially if it’s on the spot. However, my dad did say I didn’t do bad speaking it the other day to one of my friend’s mom the other day. A good sign I guess, but I still need to practice for several more years.

Aw, don’t feel bad! As long as you understand it and have people who are willing to help you, you’ll be able to speak it fluently soon enough, within a few years or maybe even less. That’s what I’m going to try and do for myself.

Thank you for the encouragement! Since we both live in states with heavy Mexican populations, there is a lot of opportunity to use Spanish. Which should be helpful, but I’m so shy!

Oh, your welcome! I mean, I’m shy too but there’s no pressure to use the language right away or anything. At least we have some sort of a handle on Spanish. It’s likely that a person will use the language at some point when they’re most comfortable. Usually, things like that just come to me, and at unexpected times, but I just keep rolling with it when it happens best I can.

I think I’ve seen this before, but Spanish is a very complex and rich language that sadly has been botched by so many of its native speakers.

I would love to have access to you in a social network so we could help you out with some things, because we’ve always been good at speaking proper Spanish. Sadly, we don’t have :frowning:

^I’m reading a book right now called Ask A Mexican, and Mexican Spanish is compared to 'Dictionary Spanish". It’s very interesting, not just in Spanish but all languages, comparing the dictionary to the local dialects.

I too am really into speaking proper English, although my speech sometimes contains local slang depending on my mood! 8D but yeah, my Spanish is very proper compared to most other people around here, because in school they only teach dictionary Spanish.

I would LOVE to learn Italian and/or Dutch XD Dutch seems such a fun language, and I’d love to go to Italy, get lost, then wander up to an Italian, asking them where I am in fluent Italian and see the look on their face 8D

I already speak Italian, English and Albanian
I’m currently learning French, Latin and ancient Greek
I’d like to learn Chinese!

I’m learning Latin and I’m slowly trying to re-learn Spanish. I would like to learn Japanese.

I have a passing familiarity with German, so that would be my first choice.
I don’t know many words in that language though.

I tried to learn Russian once, but couldn’t wrap my head around the words!

I did pick up a vague understanding of Egyptian heiroglyphics thanks to a Sierra game that involved learning how to read and write Egyptian.
I’m uncertain if that was just one specific dialect and the Egyptians had others over the course of their history,

Nothing much, but I really need to get back to practicing my Spanish! (I seem to have forgotten it.) :neutral_face:

French. Just… woww… It is such a cool language! Also Icelandic, Korean, German and… Russian.

^Korean? My sister was Korean, but when my mom adopted her and then brought her to this country, it took a while for her to learn English.

I would like to love “French” because I have a dream to go to Italy, so the local language there is French…

I’d like to learn “TRoll”, so I can comunicate with certain people better.

Then again, as Fred Weasley once said, anyone can speak Troll. All you have to do is point and grunt.

I’m now thinking of that book the Land of Og.

It had a similar concept, that the only word the common Ogians knew was the word Og (their leader could speak fluent english).
They’d just say it over and over.

So one of the lead characters disguises himself as an Ogian and goes to one of them.
He does the same thing, points and uses the word Og.
There must have been some missing subtext, because the Ogian instantly gives him a suspicious look and it takes him a while to convince the Ogian that he’s not a fake.

The only thing I can think of is Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.
His species actually communicate via subsonic vibrations, which are inaudible to human ears, but apparently Rocket can hear it.
The Elcor from Mass Effect also have a similar imperceptible language, they appear to be talking in a monotone, but their true subleties are expressed by slight shifts in posture/expression and subsonic vibrations.
Then there are the Garies from Fallout, they use subtle shifts in tone to change the one word they know. To everyone else, it appears they are just repeating their name when they are actually responding to what is being said.

So if there are hidden contexts like this, saying the words is not enough, you need the extra inflections.

STILL disappointed to say that I am not fluent in any other language besides English. As always, I would love to learn Portuguese because it’s such a gorgeous language. And also Spanish because it is incredibly useful, and I want to travel all around South America.