What language would you like to learn?

Nothing much, but I really need to get back to practicing my Spanish! (I seem to have forgotten it.) :neutral_face:

French. Just… woww… It is such a cool language! Also Icelandic, Korean, German and… Russian.

^Korean? My sister was Korean, but when my mom adopted her and then brought her to this country, it took a while for her to learn English.

I would like to love “French” because I have a dream to go to Italy, so the local language there is French…

I’d like to learn “TRoll”, so I can comunicate with certain people better.

Then again, as Fred Weasley once said, anyone can speak Troll. All you have to do is point and grunt.

I’m now thinking of that book the Land of Og.

It had a similar concept, that the only word the common Ogians knew was the word Og (their leader could speak fluent english).
They’d just say it over and over.

So one of the lead characters disguises himself as an Ogian and goes to one of them.
He does the same thing, points and uses the word Og.
There must have been some missing subtext, because the Ogian instantly gives him a suspicious look and it takes him a while to convince the Ogian that he’s not a fake.

The only thing I can think of is Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.
His species actually communicate via subsonic vibrations, which are inaudible to human ears, but apparently Rocket can hear it.
The Elcor from Mass Effect also have a similar imperceptible language, they appear to be talking in a monotone, but their true subleties are expressed by slight shifts in posture/expression and subsonic vibrations.
Then there are the Garies from Fallout, they use subtle shifts in tone to change the one word they know. To everyone else, it appears they are just repeating their name when they are actually responding to what is being said.

So if there are hidden contexts like this, saying the words is not enough, you need the extra inflections.

STILL disappointed to say that I am not fluent in any other language besides English. As always, I would love to learn Portuguese because it’s such a gorgeous language. And also Spanish because it is incredibly useful, and I want to travel all around South America.