What the heck is this?!

Wow, dude, seriously, wow. I knew they were good in ripping off but seriously?

Do these dudes seriously think they can get away with that? Also, why is there almost always a synonym for small in the titles? I can think of way more. :stuck_out_tongue:
(isn’t it because little can be part of words in that language?)

To quote one of my favourite parodies:
‘Little Bee is a terrible story which humans really don’t like.’

There is a saying that goes… “If it looks like an apple, if it smells like an apple, if it tastes like an apple, then it must be an apple”.

Seriously. What make this different from Up? And Ratatoing? Little Cars? Tiny Robots? THATS SACRILEGE!!! (especially the last one)

This is ridiculous! Toy Tales!? You’ve gotta be kidding me…

What? :open_mouth: Toy Tales? I wonder what the plot is. Probably something very similar to all the other rip-offs.

Toy Story?
Toy Tales?

Hmm… yeah, that sounds nothing like a ripoff. :unamused:

Story’s basicly the same as tale.
Also, OMG these movies have terrible aimation (I’ve only seen parts but they probably have) and why hasn’t Pixar sued these crapimators yet? They’re also definately and seriously copying Disney with The Frog Prince and Little Princess School. Really, some of the characters are IDENTICAL. I don’t care for the franchise but seriously.

This just feels so illegal. My skin is crawling thinking about it.

I just discovered yesterday that Pixar may in fact have ripped someone else off to make Up… “Above then Beyond” and Pixar’s “Up”

Not to mention there’s parallels between Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle and a little known Werner Herzog film called Fitzcarraldo…

But I think ‘What’s Up’ is practically asking for it… maybe we should just take it as a very sincere form of flattery (albeit one that pinches some of Pixar’s profits from more ignorant viewers)?

Wow, the similarities between Up and “Above then Beyond” are striking. The chairs in her living room reminded me of Carl’s chair, the men in suits were very similar in both films, and the relation of the house to the city is also similar in both films, not to mention the age of both main characters.

This short film was very touching, but I do not feel like PIxar “stole” from these film makers. It seems though this short did have some influence in certain aspects of Up.

For one, the idea of a house floating away really isn’t that original. As I child I saw many programs on TV where the characters pondered things being lifted by ballons, even a house. In an episode of Spongebob, Squidward’s house is surrounded by a bubble and floats high above the surface of the water. Even the notion of a flying home is just an expansion of a mobile home/flying car.

So perhaps the floating house in Up isn’t the most original. However, Pete Docter’s second film is still one of the most original pieces produced by Pixar. It is the way the floating house is just a piece of this extrememly creative story that makes Up so original.

I see the similarities, but I wouldn’t call it solid copying, because they elaborated the idea and made Up much more meaningful and uplifting than the short.

Naturally, being Pixar fans I guess we would defend our favourite studio. TBH, I haven’t seen “Above then Beyond” yet (cos’ I’m afraid it might tarnish my perception of Pixar’s originality)…

I just don’t understand the hypocrisy here… people here are complaining two upcoming movies ‘Rio’ and ‘Alpha and Omega’ are ripping off ‘Newt’ (even though all three probably went into production at the same time, and it was likely a product of divine coincidence), yet we refuse to acknowledge that Pixar may have in fact copied other people’s work?

If you’ve read ‘The Pixar Touch’, there was a lawsuit filed by a children’s writer against Pixar after she found out some of their characters from Monsters Inc were apparently based on her own. The case was dropped (I forgot why), but I am a little skeptical about Pixar’s claim to being original. Granted, they do try, but we have to acknowledge that it’s hard to set a precedent for storylines nowadays.

Twice, they were sued! I think it was dropped because of unsubstantial evidence. At least that injunction never came to fruition.

I never said anything about either of those movies. Heck, I’ve said several times I don’t care about Newt; I didn’t know anything about it, and the mating thing is a little overdone. The similarities in Up and the short don’t bug me.

thedriveintheatre is right, even Pixar is not able to make up entirely new, fresh storylines. Everything has been done before, and the similarities between Up and Above then Beyond are very striking indeed. And as love70ways said, even the general idea of a flying house isn’t original. It’s impossible to do nowadays.

It wasn’t directed at you, Incredigirl. I know you’re a pretty balanced and open-minded kinda person. I was just upset with the dissing going on in the Rio and Alpha & Omega threads and I guess I brought some of that anger here.

Really, to dismiss a movie just because it’s reminiscent of others is a shallow excuse. Good to point it out as an observation (I do that all the time with my comments and mash-up trailers), but it’s not a valid argument not to watch it. I really don’t think the rival studios intentionally copy each other. The exception being the Katzenberg saga with Antz and these blatant startup studios’ knockoffs.

Oh, sorry. I just read your post and commented, without thinking first. :blush: :blush: At first it bothered me that Up looked like that short, but Up is really special because of the characters and their feelings, just like all Pixar films. The house similarities don’t bother me, even if my family now torments me with this stuff about the imperfections of Pixar. I’m happy now. :smiley: :smiley:

You know, if we want, we could talk about how much Wall*E is like 2001:"A Space Odyssey. Auto looks exactly like Hal(the red light?), and the whole Man VS. Machine, all movies are reminiscent of other movies.

Exactly! :smiley: Pixar is not immune to deriving its inspirations from other sources, either. That’s why I think the “this film is bad just because it sounds like another” argument is pretty much invalid, really.

On a side note, I did several mash-ups involving Wall-E with other movies. You can check em’ out on my Youtube channel. end plug

In the commentary, Mr. Stanton was talking about the playing of the 2001 theme in the background. I noticed it before, but it was still cool to have him explain it. :slight_smile:

Anyways, back to the Asslyumvideo Damnquedo films. After watching a bitt of What’s Up I felt a ittle sick feeling. I’m not sure why they’re still making these films. Little Bee? Where’s the pun in that? More like little bi-
Anyway (again), I’ve been thinking about maybe making a comparison shot between the possibly vomit-inducing films and the real deal. Like you know how what’s UP has the UP capitalized like UP?