What would you like to see Pixar animate?

Another thing I’d like to see Pixar animate is dragons!!! That has some huge potential, given the fantasy element and all.

What do you guys think about that?

Bill – Hey ya! Dragons sound really neat! :smiley: :sunglasses:

It’d be interesting…

Bill - Cha – that does sound like a really cool idea! Imagine the fire effects and such that they could do with that:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Yeah that would be cool. " Drooling over my own idea" They could do a whole feature about dragons!!! :smiley:

Talking about the past, I’d love to see something REALLY far back, like the ancient Egyptians or Greeks or Romans!

Once again, I don’t think that would work, LG .

May I ask why not, Bill? :smiley: I love the idea of something to do with the Egyptian gods and the building of the pyramids, and it would sort of be ironic since Pixar is as modern as you can get. :laughing:

To be honest with you LG , I really don’t know. Just call it a gut instinct.

lizardgirl - Man, that would be so cool. Heck, can you imagine the stuff they could do and the stories they could unfold with the technology they have today? I mean, gee whiz… :stuck_out_tongue:

Mitch- Exactly! But Pixar could do amazing things with pretty much anything- they can achieve the impossible.

LG - I agree with you on that. For starters, how many people here thought they would be making a film like Ratatouille a couple years ago? Not many I believe.

lizardgirl - My thoughts exactly. I highly anticipate the release of WALL-E because of the reason that they can achieve the impossible. I can just imagine those space scenes now…

Bill - Actually, I thought about it some time back…after Monsters Inc. had been released. I said to my sister, “Pixar should make a movie about rats!” I never thought they would do it. But low and behold… :stuck_out_tongue:

If you do make a historical film, you got two options, one to make a fictional historical based movie, or two create one based on fact. The problem with the fictional is your dealing with a “closed” enviroment (customs, locations, etc) and the problem with using a factual story is, well, your not using your imagination as you might with a original film. So it’s a lose lose, in a way. :smiley:

And with completely factual films, if you get anything wrong, even the slightest thing, people will kick up a fuss about it.

But the fictional side of historical stories in film has been done before many times, but the stories are usually set in the present day with people trying to find lost civilisations and the like, such as Disney’s Atlantis.

What would I like to see Pixar animate?

Themselves. A short film about Pixar employees would be very entertaining.

A113 - Somehow, I doubt that they would do that.

How about something set in the medival era , such as a sword and sorcery feature?

That’d be cool, except it’s been done before. I’m not one of those Harry Potter fans. Harry Potter sutff is just way too weird for me. :slight_smile:

I’d like them to do a dinosaur movie. That would complete me. LOL

I believe Mitch already brought that up, but that’s still a cool idea. It would certainly be interesting.

She did. Sorry Mitch
But as they say
Great minds think alike :slight_smile: