What would you like to see Pixar animate?

What would I like to see PIXAR make?

Anything they want.

No offense but by posting your ideas for Pixar movies here, there’s a chance you’ll doom them. So keep 'em subtle because if someone at Pixar discovers this thread, they might have to disregard these ideas because the world is sue crazy nowadays.

Trees? The should do the LOTR trilogy. Then they could do Ents and grant your wish. :astonished:

Something along the lines of toy story and tron, maybe Andy decides to be a game programmer in college. For his final exam he decides to make a game based off of the toys in his room and they escape onto the internet at night. Imagine Woody and Buzz viewing some of the places they could visit online? The faces they could make at some of the stuff available online would challenge even the most talented character designers.
As far as Pixar taking this idea, don’t worry I wouldn’t sue, I’d just ask for a credit in the movie and maybe a screening at your studios. That would be worth a lot more than money to me.

Bins! Talkign BINS!

I would love to see them animate Redwall.

(its one of my favorite book series. look it up.)

Ditto that! I loved the first book, that was the best and most epic. The rest kinda felt samey after a while, but they’re still great fun for escapist fantasy novels! Only downside would be that Mr Jacques would make me hungry with all those poetic descriptions of the countless banquets those ‘Redwallians’ had…
Oh, and it’s already been done for television. But not yet for a feature-length movie. :smiley:

TS2-yeah redwall would be cool
bill-you mean like narnia