Where the Wild Things Are

I saw the trailer for this with Disney•Nature’s Earth today… Although I’ve seen it several times before, I must say that it gets better every time!

Off-topic: (TS2 - Will you be updating your website soon?)

One Movie, Five Views.

Hopefully, but blogger, the domain I’m currently using is having some technical difficaulties. If I can get that info out, then things can go a bit smoother! Thanks! :wink:

TS2 - We use Blogger as our domain host site as well… Maybe you were trying to update during one of the scheduled maintenance times. Refer here for details: blogger-status.blogspot.com/

One Movie, Five Views.

Thanks. It may still take a few weeks, though. Let’s get back to the best film of 2009!!!

New poster, fools! :smiley:

And it’s set to debut in IMAX!

filmschoolrejects.com/news/s … n-imax.php

Like Alice in Wonderland, can’t say I’m too excited about this one (probably because I have bad memories of acting in it for my high-school play), but I’m sure these pieces of news should interest more than a few fans here. :wink:

Thanks to Wall-E Dragon and Rare Addict from Wall-E Forums!

That poster isn’t new, its been up at my theater for nearly 3 months. But SWEET Imax!

I am SO looking forward to this! It looks great! I saw the trailer at HBP and I told my friend we need to see it.

Apple Trailers now has a new featurette: apple.com/trailers/wb/wherethewildthingsare/

I can’t wait for this one, it looks fantastic.

That new trailer definitely made me change my mind about this. They don’t really look like their just really messed up high school mascots anymore :laughing:

Hehe, the new trailer was really good. Should be a great movie.

I really am hoping that this adaptation will be good because I always hate to see books that I love turned into really crappy movies (Ex: The Series of Unfortunate Events Movie)

They’ve released the tralier for the video-game adaptation. I don’t quite know what to think of it.

At least I’m looking forward to the film more. Surrealistic adventures can be fun (may I refer you to Pixar’s most recent film :wink:).

This movie is going to be AWESOME!!

Im highly anticipating this flick!

It actually looks really great! :slight_smile: I’m gonna go see this near Hallowe’en! (I’m busy with school, for next weekend)

That poster is just so amazing. Only five more days to go! :smiley:

So who here is gonna see Where the Wild Things Are this Friday?

Wild Things’ reviews coming tonight… Gotta say, the movie was quite intriguing. The cinematography on the island that Max ends up on is great. Real filming location? Australia.

EDIT: Reviews are now posted! You can refer to our current signature until we change it again for a link if you’re interested. We gave it an average of about 3 1/2 stars out of 4.

I saw it earlier. I give it a 8/10. My full review at the movies topic.

I really want to see it. I’ll post my reweiw on Tuesday or next Sunday.

EDIT: Thursday :sunglasses:

Plot Synopsis:

”Misunderstood at home and at school, mischievous Max (Max Records) escapes to a land populated by majestic, and sometimes fierce, creatures known as the Wild Things. The Wild Things allow Max to become their leader, and he promises to create a kingdom where everyone will be happy. However, Max soon finds that being the king is not easy, and that his relationships with the Wild Things are much more complicated than he originally thought.”

Wow, what a tough film to review. Its main focus is certainly not of a grand adventure, with some moral that’s easily digested. With that said, this film isn’t for everyone. In fact, in order to get the most out of Where the Wild Things Are, you really have to put yourself in Max’s shoes. And if you can do that, then you’re in for one hell of an emotional rollercoaster ride.

The live actors in this film, of the virtually two that exist, are a perfect choice. Young Max Records as the film’s protagonist excelled in a way that, I think, no other child actor could. This kid carries the film for a good 90 minutes, proving to be both likable and relatable. As a friend of mine said, he’s “basically a stand in for your inner child and all those feelings that you thought you forgot.” Catherine Keener is also terrific as the mother, playing the part of the “everyday mom” just about perfectly.

The voice actors, too, are perfectly cast. James Gandolfini gives a powerful performance as Carol, ranging from kind and innocent to unpleasant and frightening. While all of the Wild Things are ids of Max’s imagination, it’s through Carol where Max views himself. However, as much as I hold Gandolfini’s performance in high regard, it’s Lauren Ambrose as KW who really stole the show; she’s the character everyone most wanted to love and be loved by.

As much as I love Where the Wild Things Are, I don’t think my feelings on the film will be fully understood until a second or third viewing. Again, this is not a straight-forward, easily digestable fantasy adventure. In fact, the closest thing that this film has to a weakness is its being – at least to some extent - more suited for adults than for children. Right now, this film stands as a 9.5/10 in my book, but much like the majority of my all-time favorite films, I can see Spike Jonze’s latest only getting better with age.