Which operating system do you use?


I use Windows. But I hope to have Mac someday.

I’m using Windows XP. Vista took up too much memory space and is sort of inefficient, so we’ve stuck to XP. I was going to get a Mac last year because they support the kind of work I do, but it was going to cost too much. ;-o

Windows 7 :slight_smile:

I use to work with Windows too, but just last year I bought a new Mac OS X laptop and I’m loving it so much. <3

I just installed Xubuntu on an old laptop and I am considering installing Hackintosh onto my main PC.

Mac OS X Snow Leopard <3

Finally! :smiley:


Yo mac users

sleep 500; say hello there.

Windows Vista! It’s great!

Get windows 7!

Well, I don’t have Windows 7 (I wish I did!) but I Boot Camped my Mac with Windows XP. So now I’m running both Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.6. :stuck_out_tongue: