Who else has never laughed out loud at a Pixar film?

I remember laughing a lot when Dory was talking Whale.

^ XD Dory is one of my favorites.

The only laugh-out-loud I can remember with Pixar was during Up, when I heard Alpha’s high voice for the first time. I was just so shocked and I think I let out a little laugh/choking noise thing :slight_smile:

The only Pixar film that had me lol’ing was Cars. Just loved the adult jokes.

Almost every Pixar film has made me laugh out loud. I guess I’m just mentally impaired.

I “LOL”'d at:

-Toy Story
-Toy Story 2
-Monsters, Inc.
-Finding Nemo
-The Incredibles
-Toy Story 3
Cars 2

Now, I did find Cars, Ratatouille, and Wall-E funny. But more so heart warming, thought-provoking, and emotional than hilarious. More like haha’s than “LOL”'s.

^Yeah, that is my exact stance on all those films. :smiley: I think the funniest parts of Ratatouille had more to do with the bodily humor than any actual jokes-- some of the gestures and expressions are just so comical and ridiculous, it’s hard not to laugh. 8D I’ve probably laughed out loud, at least to some extent, at every Pixar movie-- it moreso depends on my mood. I laugh pretty easily, but it takes a lot to get a LOUD laugh from me.

I have definitely laughed out loud at quite a few Pixar films.

The reason I don’t lol at Pixar films is because I tend to take them more seriously. I will admit I laughed at some jokes, but I watch it kinda seriously.

I know exactly what you mean. I’m pretty much the same way. 8D

Hmm, I’m not sure which ones have made me laugh the most. There’s probably a tie between most of them, especially the first couple ones. The film that has made me laugh the least is easily Cars, though, which unfortunately had only one joke I personally found funny.

I find it hard to contain my emotions - I laugh and cry very easily. With any movie, I often laugh a bit at something I find funny, but truly ROFLing doesn’t happen a lot. Didn’t happen for me with Pixar movies - sorry about that.

Last time I remember laughing so hard it hurt was when I saw a really funny YouTube Poop, so yeah. xD

I’ve laughed. I’ve cried. I’ve chuckled.

I have laughed out loud during Pixar films. Most recently during the Toy Story short in front of muppets. But yes, during features too.

And I’m going to move this thread to the Pixar section of the forums.

I don’t really laugh out loud at Pixar’s movies. That doesn’t mean I don’t find the humorous bits amusing, though. It just takes a lot (or something REALLY messed up) to make me laugh out loud.

When i was little, the only pixar film i laughed out loud at was Finding Nemo. (Dory speaking whale cracks me up every time! 8D ) But recently, i’ve laughed at them a little more. Since now i get most of the jokes.

I think Pixar’s funniest films are their earlier ones-A Bug’s Life and Monsters, Inc. are the funniest imo-with very laugh out loud humour, whereas the more recent films have been humorous in a more realistic and ironic sense.

I think i laughed at all of them(except ratatoille.)

I didnt find the incredibles that funny (even though it was my favourite film for about 6 years!)

The Incredibles wasn’t very funny, although I thought Frozone’s “where’s my supersuit!?” scene was great! I thought Ratatouille had some really good slapstick humour.

That is my favourite part!

Frozone: We are talking about the greater good!

Frozone’s wife: I am your wife! I am the greatest good you are ever gonna get!


That is a great scene ^^.

I kind of take Pixar films more serious as I don’t see them as comedies like a company like Dreamworks. I will admit though that the adult humor in Cars still gets a few laughs out of me.

I get what you’re saying ^^.