Who Has An Unusual Name?

I feel otherwise about genders 8D

But talking about names, I don’t know if I would use something from pop culture, even if it’s something that I love.

I can’t help it. Famous movies, good movies, and “epic” movies, are my favorite thing. I couldn’t pick anything else. Except Glenn. <3 But after that, it goes to famous names.

You could always say you picked “Glenn” from a more famous namesake 8D

True. But, I think that would be counterproductive. Glenn is the only thing I prefer to movies. :smiley:

I can’t wait to not have children and sleep whenever I want, do whatever I want, and keep all my money.

But Virginia, Glenn and Bruce Wayne are great names! The latter would be especially unusual!

Yes, I wouldn’t have any either.

But names are fun!

If I do have kids, it won’t be until my mid thirties at least. There’s too much I want to do and see without having kids drag me down.

And I agree about the names. I ave a lot of favorite names, but none of them are unusual. (Alexander, James, Jack, Alice, Clara, Josephine)

One of those is my middle name! :slight_smile:

Thanks! I didn’t want kids, but idk. My opinion, just kind of changed for no reason. 8D

My name is really Emily, but then I guess when I was born my parents decided that they liked my middle name better and it’s been Grace ever since.

Emily is also nice :slight_smile:

Oh, I understand. Somtimes I’m like “Oh kids so cute and fun!” and other times I’m like “Gross”. I think for certain that it won’t be in my future for the next 10 years.

Names I like:


Yeah, I like a lot of names.

^Theodore, that’s another good one.

Speaking of Unusual names, Saffron is a very unusual one!

I love the name Saffron. If I do have a daughter when I’m older, I probably will name her Saffron, because she’ll be worth more to me than her weight in gold, just like saffron. Plus its a beautiful flower.

Awww Bonanna thats sweet!

I don’t want kids, but there are some names that I really like. I have dolls and virtual pets, so I can use those names there. 8D

Oh no, most of my dolls come with names! 8D

Some of mine do too, mostly my American Girl historical dolls (the ones with books and actual characters), but for the modern AGs I can give them whatever names I want.

That’s nice. :slight_smile: Most of mine are Barbies or characters already,