Who here thinks pixar should do a movie about Sonic?

Sonic disinterests me, and I can’t imagine Pixar doing an adaption of it.

I love Sonic, but he’s already got a lot of stuff for his franchise, that a Pixar movie for him would be unnessecarry.

If Pixar was going to do the Sonic the Hedgehog series, I guess the question would be whether or not they’d consider Sonic their type of thing. Even if they did research on a different franchise we don’t know that someone like John Lasseter would think that the character of Sonic really worked for them or saw potential in it to make it worth doing a film. I’m admitingly a fan of playing the games (especially the classic ones), but I can’t say if I think any of them have ever been Pixar material for a story or not.

Pixar loves to do original stories. Sonic is an established franchise. I don’t think Pixar will tackle something like that.

PS: I love the sonic games as well. I find myself playing them for nostalgic resons.

Pixar should only make original franchises. Leave the adaptions to Dreamworks.

Right. Leave it to DreamWorks.

Lol. I forgot all about this. Way to revive a dead thread everybody.

Pfft. That seems as likely as a Toy Story 4. :laughing:

^ Well, now that Toy Story 4 is rumored to be happening, that’s not assuring enough 8D

Pixar could have to also animate in Sonic’s design and not their own are fans won’t like it.

Or they would most likely remodel the Sonic characters after their own distinctive CGI style.

(Just for fun I thought I’d try to see what a Pixar Sonic would look like):