Who wants The Incredibles 2

Come to think of it, I would be very weirded out if he did. 8D

I had a dream that there was an arcade game advertising The Incredibles 2. I was pretty psyched, because they also had one of those coin press machines and you could get all the Incredible family (including Jack-Jack) and then one guy I didn’t recognize that kind of looked like Tony. Anyway I was really happy until I woke up and realized it wasn’t real. :laughing:

Seriously? One night I had a dream about there being an Incredibles 2. Only, it was very complex. And, just as I bought my ticket, I woke up. :neutral_face:

Out of all the Pixar movies, this has potential as a sequel.

I feel like I’m being tortured. I LOVE the Toy Story franchise. But really, Cars? MI? Finding Nemo? Sequels for everybody, except the one Pixar movie that really could have a great sequel. Jeez, next they’ll do Up so they have another excuse not to do tThe Incredibles.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Brad Bird just wanted to troll us in not doing a sequel.

I’d love a sequel, we all would. Naturally, I think Violet and Dash should be the main protagonists, having to continue their super work as they grow up. Naturally, the villain should either be Xerek (the guy who was originally going to be the main antagonist of the first movie before the producers favored Syndrome and he got recycled into the comic series) OR someone related to Syndrome, like an unknown sibling, seeking revenge. And it needs a BIG theme, like time or space travel.

My guess is they’ll probably delve into Bronze Age comic subjects dealing with social issue like drug use or gang violence.

I really need more Helen and Bob. If the movie focuses on the kids I’ll cry and not go see it.

Maybe they can have their own spin-off series.

Don’t get me wrong, Incredibles is definitely deserving of a sequel more than most, but I’m getting incredibly sick of sequels and spinoffs. MU was great, and Toy Story 3 was too, but I feel like lately we’ve been getting too many. With talk of there also being a Nemo sequel/prequel… I’m just like… really? Pixar is nothing like Dreamworks in the way of milking franchises, but lately I feel like there has been too much attention on spinoffs/sequels… I know Airplanes is a Disney thing, independent of Pixar, but that was like the icing on the cake as far as my attitude towards sequels and spinoffs goes.

Like I said before, I’m not opposed to an Incredibles sequels or spinoff because it has a lot of potential and its probably one of my favorites. Maybe if we got a few more originals first I wouldn’t mind so much. And maybe if there wasn’t a Dory central spinoff in the works… (crossing my fingers that it turns out good. Cars 2 made me cringe…)

^I wish all of these could be replaced by The Incredibles 2.

I did enjoy all of the sequels we have so far though, and I do look forward to Finding Dory. Pixar is doing these sequels because they didn’t get to before with the whole Disney contract…

I hate to be the outlier, but as long as The Incredibles 2 isn’t announced, I don’t want one. That is, I’d love one, but I want it when Pixar says they’re ready. They are the masters, they obviously don’t have a full idea out there. Think about it: Imagine if Pixar actually had been developing one and released it just to answer the fanboys and girls. And what? Either it would be half-blanked, or people would give it the wrong kind of praise, TS3 overkill-type praise, just because of some people who wanted it made! I wouldn’t be happy with either of those turnouts. Only when I find out they’ve cracked the code, then of course I want it.

And at least Brad Bird has been trying to come up with ideas, and he has a few, they’re just not fully formed. And I don’t want to see anyone other than Brad Bird directing it. So far, my least favorite Pixar sequels/prequels are from different directors.

[size=50]I love Cars 2, it’s at least decent even if it’s not The Incredibles 2. :cry: [/size]

LQstudiesPixar, I agree. Don’t release a sequel for the sake of releasing a sequel, especially to please fans. Release one because you have a fully formed fantastic idea that is ready to be developed and come to fruition. I know a lot of us want it made, but we also want it to be as good as the rest of the Pixar films. So if they don’t have an idea brewing, then we will have to be patient.

Of course we don’t know much of what is going on behind those gates and doors, so either way, we will have to be patient anyways. :slight_smile:

Cool, thanks Sarah. I am happy for Toy Story 2. I really do like Toy Story 3, I just think it’s WAY over-praised, and I have no idea why every new Pixar film has to suddenly be like it in order to be considered good. It’s really unfair, especially for the new movies, all of which I think are a bit better. Cars 2, while maybe not the most needed, made up for it, as ridiculous as I may sound saying that. Monsters University was somewhere in the middle of those two. I want The Incredibles 2, it would be awesome, but Brad Bird is a perfectionist. He won’t do it until he is REALLY happy with it. I hope one day the Pixar team will be ready, but I’m okay if they never make it either.

I love the Pixar sequels, but I don’t know why their existence makes it so complicated for some to accept Pixar for who they want to be these days - NOT money-grubbers, BTW.

And this is why Brad Bird is the man. People can say whatever they want, but he’s my favorite Pixar director because he’s a nitpicker. He won’t make a sequel for kicks and giggles. He’ll troll us by making us wait, but he’d never disappoint us I believe. If these years compile to make a Pixar master piece, it’ll be worth it. That said if the main character changes, I’ll just stay home and cry while other fans go see it.

I’m really glad for Brad Bird. He would probably be my favorite if it weren’t for John, but even still he’s just as awesome and technically I do love all the directors the same. I like how he’ll say in the bonus features when something is good but not perfect yet. If this ever gets made it can possibly would be one of Pixar’s best. Sequel-wise, I think it could be one of the two best if not second only to Toy Story 2 MAYBE, or not.

I really liked the creators round table on the blu ray. They said some really interesting things. But I really just wish they could give us something new other than bonus material.