Who's your favorite Pixar villain?

Pixar Planet question, is there any way I can add Lotso to the list? :confused:

MI2: Not that I know of.

Skinner, because he was a very funny character, and yes, he was the bad guy of the movie, but he is not a guy who would hurt people.

The mods can do it for you. :smiley: Ask one of them.

Zurg, nuff said

Oh, I knew you would say Zurg. I smelled it in the air. :laughing:

um id have to say hopper because out of all them he scared me the most the other just made me laugh.also can one of the mods add lotso to the list?

I voted Zurg, but I absolutely love Chick Hicks too! And Charles Muntz is great too. My favourite ‘villian’ is Randall or Ken- I’m not even sure Ken counts but I love him. :stuck_out_tongue: x

I think Ken counts, because he did imprison the gang in those buckets.

But he did make a change in the end. He is now in charge of the SUnny side Day Care and he’s a fair person.

Syndrome is stull my number one.

Whaaa…? No Lotso? <img src=“{SMILIES_PATH}/youwhaaa.gif” alt=“o_0;;” title="You

Whaaa…" />

^ The poll was made before TS3 came out. :wink:

Honestly, I really wanted Lotso to be a good guy. I mean, he’s so cute!! And I love strawberries. I think he more than deserved his punishment, but I wish he had beem a good guy.

Hopper, without a shadow of a doubt.

To TvTropers, there exists a level of villainy that is universally regarded as the lowest an antagonist can go to. That level is ‘Complete Monster’, which is Hopper to a T.

He was Pixar’s first real villain, and the one who truly kicked off the long line of scum we know today. You can say whatever you want about Charles Muntz, who wanted his dignity back, or Syndrome, who was a disturbed little boy who was scorned by his hero, or even Lotso, who wanted to be loved again and was broken by it. Hopper is cruel to even his family, showing a helpless little girl intot he face of a rapid grasshopper, even planning on killing an elderly woman. If givent eh chance he would’ve killed Atta and Dot. Soul? What soul?

Whether he was born the way he was or was changed doesn’t really matter; he can’t and doesn’t want to be redeemed. That’s the best thing about him: he is no Drago in Leather Pants and attempting to to ‘leather pants’ him, so to speak, is impossible. He is so monstrous that there is nothing to make him sympathetic.

Syndrome. He was almost tied with Charles. At the begining, he was a kid who wanted to help his idol, but 15 years later, Mr. Incredible was his mortal eneamy. He is also smart cause he makes weapons.

Not just weapons, but cool gadets and inventions. My favorite, yet sinister, invention that he made, aside from the omnidroid, was the zero-point-energy. Imagine how cool having something like that in my possesion.

He only comes out for a few seconds but my favorite villain is The Underminer!!!

I think he looks like a hampster. 8D I like bomb Voyage also. But my favorite is probably Sid or Charles Muntz(s?).

Underminer! He’s such a cliche villan, but he’s cool. Pretty funny once he came out.

I admit I’ve always kinda had a soft spot for Waternoose…I don’t know why, but this is the way it’s been ever since I first saw Monsters, Inc. :blush: Please don’t hate me for this.