Would you rather...

Yeah, I’m up way earlier than I usually am right now, that’s what made me think of it.

Probably an alligator. :shake:

Would you rather be stung by a bee or bit by a spider?

Oh gosh. This one is hard. Probably stung by a bee. Big spiders freak me out.

Would you rather fly to Mars or Pluto?

You two just posted at the same time, so I’ll answer both…

I’d rather go to Mars. :unamused:

Oh, I’d definitely eat breakfast cereal for the rest of life… I LIVE for breakfast cereal! :wink:

Would you rather go hiking or climbing?


heights freak me out.

Would you rather only listen to one song for a year or only read one book?

I could go only listening to one song in a year, but there’s no way I’d ever survive with only one book! :astonished:

Would you rather go skiing or snowboarding?

I agree with you on the book thing.

skiing, I’m semi-good at it.

Would you rather live at the North Pole or underground?

Underground, I suppose. Then I’ll go out and say: “Behold, the Underminer!” 8D

Would you rather be lost at sea or lost in the desert?

I’d rather be lost in the desert.

Would you rather use Mac or Windows?

I’d rather use Mac. I like the easy interface. However, once i got it, I know I’d miss my PC.

Would you rather get struck by lightning or bitten by a shark?

I’d rather be struck by lightning… let’s hope that deosn’t happen, though! :shake:

Would you rather Pixar make Monster’s Inc. 2, or Ratatouille 2?

Monsters, Inc. 2.

Would you rather travel by train or by plane?

I’d rather travel by train… I absolutely love trains.

Would you rather be a police officer or a firefighter?

Firefighter. I hate policemen in my country.

Would you rather storm a castle or defend it?

I’d rather defend it.

Would you rather have a Wall-E or a M-O?

A M-O. He could clean the house.

Would you rather kill zombies or vicious dinosaurs?

I think I’d rather kill zombies… Is it even possible to kill zombies? :confused:

Would you rather live in the desert or the north pole?

Yeah, you can kill them in most video games and movies.

I’d rather live in the desert. But I think I would try to move as soon as possible 8D

Would you rather play sudoku or Where’s Waldo?

Wheres Waldo

Would yo rather have a pillow fight or play Sock em Boppers?

Um… A pillow fight.

Would you rather be cover in slime or goo?

really? I thought alot of people would choose Sock em Boppers, oh well.

Slime, the Nickeledeon kind, I wanted to be covered in that since I was about 5.

Would you rather be with a baby a whole day or old man/woman?