You know you're a 90s kid when...

Haha :laughing: I used to do that all the time!!

I loved the 90s! Whimsical Saturday morning cartoons, kid game shows, and the Windows 95 practically being your gaming console! Sometimes I wish I could just go back to those days…:unamused:

And here’s a really tricky one I have for you guys…

You know you’re a 90s kid when you can guess where the photo on my webcam on my dA page comes from (click link on my siggy). :wink:

Golly… This thread makes me feel old. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s a couple to add to it.

You knew teenagers who had an NES and thought they were old.

You remember when FBI warnings on your VHS tapes were green.

Oh my god! :smiley:

You remember when they used to have kid game shows like Guts, Legends of the Hidden Temple and Double Dare 2000.

You remember when they used to have cool and intelligent edutainment shows like The Magic Schoolbus (my all-time favourite), Bill Nye The Science Guy and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Not juvenille, teen-speak laden, scatalogical-humour oriented shows now like Grossology and The Future is Wild.

You remember when pop music used to have wholesome values and family-friendly lyrics instead of pandering to the lowest denominator with techno-infused beats.

You remember when you had a CD player and physical CDs.

You remember when ‘interactive’ games meant ‘point and click’ and pre-recorded video animation.

Heck yeah! I remember those games! Not only that, they were all in 256 colors. I used to have the Toy Story “Interactive” game (I think I still have it…). :smiley:

But I still have CDs and a CD Player. Not that I don’t buy stuff off iTunes, but when my favorite singer comes out with a new album, I want to be able to get as high of a bitrate as I can when I need it.

You remember the original 151 pokemon.

There are only about 4 or 5 that didn’t apply to me, but id on’t know what the Care Bear Stare is I never watched that :stuck_out_tongue:

High five! :smiley:

Ahh the 90’s, I remember it somewhat well. (I was born in 1990)

Lets see what I can remember…

You remember when Disney Channel used to air great cartoons such as Tail Spin and Bonkers.

You remember watching Bear in the Big Blue House.

You remember when Steve used to host Blues Clues.

You used to own a Nintendo 64 Backpack

You remember Doritos 3D

You remember watching Legend of the Hidden Temple on Nickelodeon

You remember getting a copy of Chex Quest from a box of Chex cereal

You remember the Countdown to the millenium clocks in Walmart

You wanted a Gel Pen and a Gel Pen Notebook

You remember going to see Flubber in theaters.

You remember when Cap’n Crunch ran out of Crunchium, and had to defeat the Crunchium Thieves. While saving the Crunchlings at the same time.

You remember when Disney Channel’s Mascot was a Blue, TV shaped 3D character

I think to be a 90’s kid, yo have to be born from 1985-1995. 1995 is kinda rare though, a 1985 may have a chance of being a 80’s kid. 1996-1999 are not 90’s kid’s they were born to late. I was boen in 1991 so Im half in half. Half 90’s kid Half 00’s kid. I think being a 90’s kid is better.

-When you owned so many Pokemon cards that you had to store them in multiple boxes

-You wore velcro-sneakers

-Blue’s Clues was oficially the coolest kids show…ever!

Haha, yes! :smiley: I’ve always loved Blue’s Clues, actually. And I did wear velcro sneakers. 8D I never did collect Pokemon cards, but I had several friends who did.

When you had trainers that had flashing trainers.
When you with your family frequently went to the video (not DVD) rental store.
When you could feel the buzz of Titanic.
When you would visually remeber things because of the bright colours.
Etc :smiley:

Ah, those were the days. All the video rental stores are closed now, so I’m left with stupid OnDemand. Which isn’t all that bad, but I loved just wandering the shelves in there

BlockBuster is still around.

I had a feeling you’d say that. :wink:

Oh my god. Yes!

Wow, I didn’t know it’s extinct in America. There are still a few stores here in Sydney! :open_mouth:

You’re a 90s kid if you remember…

  • When Disney had a monopoly on Saturday morning cartoons.

  • When Saturday morning cartoons featured anthropomorphic creatures on epic adventures in fantasy worlds instead of high-school kids battling villains in their backyard. :unamused:

  • When Disney had a monopoly on family films featuring animated characters on epic adventures in fantasy worlds instead of high-school kids doing battle in talent contests. :unamused:

  • When you asked your parents to flush your Tamagotchi/Digimon’s toilet while you were away at school.

  • When you read Chicken Soup for the Soul.

  • When you were mesmerised by Furby before it became a corny fad.

  • When owning a mobile phone was a luxury item reserved for your parents.

  • When you had to record your favourite shows on VHS using a tape recorder timer instead of Tivo or iTunes. And had to label every tape make sure you don’t record over your older shows. And how you had to wait for a tape to rewind before you can watch it again.

  • When you had to play your favourite songs on cassette tapes on a tape deck. Or later on music CDs, which you kept in a small case which you had to bring everywhere.

  • How a dial-up modem sounds like when connecting to the Internet.

  • When they used to have official music videos of animated films during their release. You know, the ones where they have the singers walking through the film’s setting with footage playing in the background? Like this, this, this, and this. Though now, there’s a resurgence with films like Cars and LOTG, and hopefully, Tangled.

Not in my neighborhood. There’s something wierd where I live, and they’re all gone, sadly :frowning: At least where I live

Okay, that sounds ridiculously familiar, but I can’t remember what it was. I had some friends in 2007 I think that mentioned it to me.

Leirin: It’s a popular series of motivational/inspirational books in the late 90s that had a Christian undertone to it. They are actually a compilation of reader and celebrity-written true stories with life lessons in them. The first one, simply called Chicken Soup for the Soul, was the best IMO. It later developed into a series with some really fringe audiences (Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul, Chicken Soup for Teens on Tough Stuff, Chicken Soup for the NASCAR Soul, etc.). I used to buy and read the books. I think we had the first one, Mum, Pet Lover, Kids, Pre-Teens, Ocean Lover’s and maybe one or two more. Not sure if they’re still running, but your library or bookstore should have a few copies. If you’ve ever read Reader’s Digest stories, they’re like a book version of that.

Got a few to add to that 80s kid list

You know you’re an 80s kid when you

know who Bronson Pinchot is

remember there used to be a Judy Winslow on Family Matters

remember when the USSR was still a threat

wore The Real Ghostbusters apparel. Even the underwear.

remember the missing lyrics to the Fresh Prince theme song

remember that there used to be a Superboy live action show.

And I have a few for the 90s list because despite having a somewhat functional memory of the 80s (86er here) I did most of my growing up in the 90s.

You know you’re a 90s kid when you

remember reading the Animorphs and wish you had those cool powers but none of that alien-fighting responsibility jazz

remember when you thought that you could totally take on criminals like Kevin McCallister.

remember dollar cinemas

remember when Windows 3.1 blew your mind

remember when no one you knew could afford a DVD player

remember those other video disc formats that never took off

know who the Wyld Stallyns are

when being able to download a song in a little over a day was considered fast Internet.

remember Apple IIes and Commodore 128s and Tandy anythings were considered great hand me down starter computers.