You Know You're a Fan of 'Up' When...

  • when your computer wallpaper, icons and screensaver shouts UP
  • when you made Up section in Pixar Planet your homepage, and visit it every five minutes to check any updates
  • when you’ve bookmarked RottenTomatoes page for UP to keep checking that the tomato meter shows 100%
  • when you’ve constantly hated Disney for postponing the premiere on your country

Actually, they calculated how many balloons it’d take to lift Carl’s house. The number was so huge, Carl’s house would appear as a tiny dot by comparison, so it was decided to cut the number down.

You know you’re obsessed when you post this in the Disney Claimer’s journal:

Yep, I love the movie so much I had to make the category for it more than a week before seeing the actual film.

You also know when you’re obsessed when you make it a point of pride to say you’re responsible for the creation of the category:

I seriously went, “YES!” when my request was accepted.

What Mythbusters?? I can’t find it! looks through DVR frantically

-You suddenly think it’s gonna be really cool to be an old lady

Wait, what?! We had a pixar theme Mythbusters and I missed it?! D8 Somebody PM me if they learn it’s gonna be on again.

-you watch the film, conciously noting what you’re going to comment on in the Pixar Planet Forums.

Off Topic: I don’t think there was a Pixar Mythbusters special. They just tested the whole floating things with balloons. I think Castoro Chiaro was saying that the people at Pixar did the calculations to see how many to put in the film to make it seem “reasonable” (as far reasonable as floating a house by balloons sounds anyway…)

LOL at the grocery list. :slight_smile:

  • When you notice every time the word “up” comes… up… in conversations. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • When you make a forum for Up!

-When it kills you to not give anything away when you try to explain why Up is so great to people who haven’t seen the film yet

-When you browse the Disney Store and - SQUIRREL!

When you have [spoil]the sudden urge to pour prune juice in the gas tank of the vehicle of someone you don’t like[/spoil], a la what Carl did. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • You start wishing you had a snipe for a pet
  • You dream of traveling to foreign lands in a house levetated by balloons
  • It breaks your Wall-E scale (I used to rate movies on a scale of 1-Wall-E, One being the worst Wall-E being the greatest…this broke the scale! ^_^)
    -[spoil] You dream of marrying a man like carl and having a life long adventure together
  • You try to create a collar to make your dog talk…I only wish I could really do such a thing…and that I had a dog… :unamused:
  • You have a need to start an adventure book of our own
  • You freak out whenever you see a squirrel.[/spoil]
  • You regret leaving the girl scouts… :cry:

Broke your WALL-E scale? That seems impossible! :laughing:

  • When you do impressions of the characters.

I know! Doesn’t it! But I think it just broke the scale! lol. Actually I think that its about the same as Wall-E on the scale, so maybe now its the Wall-E Up scale. :smiley:

  • When you attempt to nominate Carl Frederickson for Senior Prom King at school. (True Story)

when you don’t cry at movies and you openly wept during Up. Both times you saw it.

And then when you think about the film, you started to feel your eyes water again.

I need help.

LOL! mo, that is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard of!

When you see someone go “Shoo! Get out of here.” to an animal, you think of the animal doing it back at them :slight_smile:

getting a blue ballon and writing spirit of adventure on it

counting balloons anywhere you see them and shout: look, UP!!!

You force a member of your family to sit on a curb while you eat icecream, while they count red cars, and you blue. :smiley:

  • When you made a grape soda pin just like Carl! (And wear it proudly!)

Mooch: COOL!!!

HelloDolly114: isn’t it contain spoilers?? lol