Your DVD Collection

I would only use VHS for movies I can’t find on DVD.

We also still have are home videos on VHS.

Here’s some photos of most of my DVD collection (The DVDs that I own that aren’t on these pictures are: Led Zeppelin (2 DVD set), The Who Live At The Isle Of Wight, The Who Live At Kilburn and Live At The Colieseum 1969, The Who 30 Years of Maximum R&B, Jimi Hendrix Live at Woodstock (2 disc set), Tarzan, Tarzan II, The Lion King and The Lion King 3).

, So there you go.

Sweet collection Milan!!

I love it. Even though I know that you have that stuff.

Thank you IV and PixarTeo!

Your welcome! :wink:

Very cool PixarMilan!

Thank you very much E-J-E.

I hope to add Cars 2 and Queen: Days Of Our Lives to my collection soon.

Ha, I like how I could totally tell that collection is yours: mostly Pixar and Queen! Very nice. :smiley:

Thank you very much Queen Of Painting.

My dad respects your DVd collection, he said so. 8D

Tell him thank you ^^.

will do. :wink:

You know what you guys should do! Send all your DVD’s and blu-rays to me!

Haha. Good one. I don’t think that will ever happen. 8D

No thank you! 8D Maybe you should send yours to me.

You even aload to watch South Park?

I have watched it^^, but I don’t watch it much.

Well I have 3 seasons of it. Also have Dragonball.