Found some more DVD’s that I’ll probably add to my list.
The DVD I watch most? Ugh, that in my life time would either be the Incredibles or Toy Story 2. Within the last year or so, that would be everything in bold.
Kenzie: thanks!! DVDs are one of my favorite things to collect with dolls. <3
Mine my me one my of Simpsons or Family Guys DVD’s.
The only TV programs I own are one VHS of Gargoyles, and one DVD of Gargoyles.
I blike getting TV Series on DVD more then movies.
Rally? I dislike the vast majority of Television shows and programs, but I love a lot of movies. So I guess w’re opposites.
Yesh, You can watch them on Youtube, but they get taken off. They also don’t play a lot of shows from my childhood anymore so I want to get those DVDs.
I would love to get a few seasons of Batman: The Animated Series. <3
Me too. They do releash classic Nicktoons and CN shows on DVD. But their just the episodes. I would like bonus features, communtaries, and possible delated scenes. But they only have episodes.
I agree. I like bonus material almost as much as the show/movie itself.
I’ve probably seen The Pink Panther (1963) the most.
Edit: I also added some DVD’s to my list that I forgot I had.
I might have a big update coming after Christmas when I get plenty of them.
Picked up some more DVDs this week: Tarzan, Sleeping Beauty, The Adventures of Tintin (TV series), The Big Bang Theory Season 1, and of course, Cars 2!
I have a lot, but the last ones I bought were Thor (DVD) and Cars 2 on blu, next week I’m planning to buy Pirates 4, Captain America and probably Harry Potter 8, all them on DVD
I thought about getting Thor but I wasn’t keen on it when I saw it in the cinema. My sister is nagging me to get Young Sherlock Holmes. I might get it for the stained glass sequence alone.
Sounds like fun!! Great choices.
I need to get more soon.
Those are great. I’m planning on getting Cars 2 very soon.
I’m asking for Cars 2 for Christmas. If my parents ask what I want. I’m not supposed to ask for things.
Anyway, I buy new DVDs every chance I get.
I’ll ask for Cars 2, but I don’t want to really bad, it’s really low on my Pixar list.