Weirdest Toy Story-like experience

As a kid, I’m sure all of us thought our toys were really alive after watching Toy Story… I’m sure we all tried to catch them in the act (but failed). Still there are some weird things that happen with our toys, and you can’t help but think back to Toy Story.

Just today, I came home from school like normal, but heard voices in the other room (granted, no one should be home right now). I realize the source of this chatter was my old pull-string Woody, who has apparently learned to talk on his own. Still, the strangest part was that this was the video I was watching once I got home:

Anyone else have stories?

I’ve had several instances when I would find my toys in odd positions or places after leaving them alone for a while, but by far the most interesting is what happened once with my large stuffed white tiger, Chloe. At the time, I had Chloe positioned at the foot of my bed. But sometime during the night, I woke up to find her right next to me! I know I wasn’t dreaming because I then proceeded to put her back at the foot of the bed, and that’s where she was in the morning. I might’ve grabbed her in my sleep, but I had a bunch of other stuffed animals on my bed that would’ve been easier to get a hold of – why would I have grabbed the one the most out of reach?? I still have to wonder… :-\

i had the old TS and beyond woody, the regular one. i built a lego display stand, and had him on my desk. we went on vacation for a week, and i found him, and my nite brite nemo, in absolutely different poses, woody on the floor in the exact opposite way of the stand. nemo was turned on, but he wasnt supposed to be. it was weird