What if?

Ok so I’m always thinking of ways that Toy Story 3 couldve been more epic than it already was, which is pretty hard, and every time I think of something, it usually isnt too good. Anyway I thought of one that I thought could actually work.

So Woody, alone, goes home with Bonnie like we saw and he meets all of her toys, Buttercup, Dolly, Trixie, and also Chuckles. Instead of having a Lotso back story which makes him go back to Sunnyside, why not Woody meet Bo Peep at Bonnie’s house and she convinces him to get the “family” back together. Which he does and he goes back to Sunnyside, they go the the dump etc. So we don’t learn about Lotso’s past but what makes Woody change his mind is Bo. Chuckles could still be in this but instead of explaining anything he’s just there like Buttercup or Trixie.

I don’t know how you Dolly x Woody shippers will feel about this, I even like that pairing myself, but I always liked Andy’s other toys, RC, Lenny, Soldiers.

Let me know how you feel about this below :slight_smile:

I think Bo being there would have been too much of a coincidence. However, I do agree that Lotso didn’t need his backstory to be revealed to the audience.

Are you crazy of course he needed a back story to show us why he was evil.

It doesn’t seem required, by any means. The only other Pixar villain with a backstory was Syndrome.

Actually Muntz had one Stinky Pete had one lets see who else the Lemons in Cars 2 had one the Critic in Ratatouille had one…Sometimes a back story is necessary and for Lotso it was that’s just my opinion.

Agreed. Most villians have and need a backstory to reveal their motiviation for villianry. I like this idea, except for the fact that Bo Peep was there in the first place. Also, Woody’s goal was to get to Andy’s, not live at Bonnie’s. And without knowing about Lotso, he would’ve never gone back for the other toys.

I think that they handled it perfectly in the actual film, but I do like your idea.
I always have wondered how the film would’ve turned out if Bonnie was one of the owners that Woody was referring to when he says in the staff meeting “All good toys
who’ve gone on to new owners.” and Bo Peep was the toy that she got.

It would’ve been a nice bonus at the end if Bonnie got a “new toy” - Bo. -Omar

As mentioned above, I think that it was necessary that Lotso revealed his backstory. It was cool to find out why Lotso was evil in the first place and it did help Woody rescue the other toys from the Daycare.

I think it’s good they had Lot’s backstory.Having Bo would be nice, but also kinda unreal.

Yes I agree having Bo would be nice but unreal. I think that it would just seem too perfect, if you know what I mean.

What? The Lotso Backstory scene was extremely important, and one fo the most popular and emotional scenes of the movie. It gave more depth to Lotso as a character.

I agree with you. It was vital for the story.

I thought the whole Lotso scene was definitely needed. It gave us an explanation on why Lotso was so bitter. I’m thinking for Toy Story 4, Pixar should go the horror route and make Lotso return to Sunnyside and take all the kids hostage. Then the toys must go back to Sunnyside and save Bonnie. haha! It would be ridiculous, but so was Cars 2!!!

Personally, I think a villain is much more interesting when his reasons aren’t revealed, but I seem to be in the minority. Also, if Lotso had to have a backstory, it could have been leaps and bounds better. Perhaps have him disown Daisy for leaving him behind without going back to her house. Is this alternative weak? Sure, but so was what was ultimately in the film.