Pixar Goes to Prison

Hey guys, as you might already know Pixar has recently redeisgned their official site from the ground up.

A while back you might remember there was an itunes exclusive featurette called Pixar Goes to Prison. I was really annoyed that this wasnt on the blu ray. But I believe it has resurfaced for all to see here under the name TS3 prison life. I’m too lazy to actually confirm this isnt on the blu ray, but Im pretty sure its not. Someone can correct me if Im wrong. If Im right though, this is the first time we’ve been able to see it unless you happened to be someone who bought the movie on itunes.

Also checkout the rest of the site if you haven’t already. Most of it is just repackaged old stuff but its all put together so well, some top notch classy design here. And there is some new stuff as well.