Monsters Inc. blu-ray available now in Mexico

Hi everyone, I’m new here and it’s my first post. Just to inform you that this past Saturday I picked up the Monsters Inc. blu-ray at a Blockbuster in Mexico City. It was released simultaneously with A Bug’s Life and Pinocchio.
It is a 3 disc edition and retails at around 28 USD. The third disc is not a Digital Copy (they are disabled in Mexico, anyways) but the movie in DVD in full frame as it was originally released here. The other two discs include the movie in HD, all the extras from the 2-disc special edition and new extras exclusive to the format.
For comparison purposes the upscaled DVD holds well (that is if you don’t sit too close to the screen, he he), but the improvement in picture quality and sound of the blu-ray is just amazing.
There is one key difference that troubles me, the outtakes and the company play are missing from the end credits in the blu-ray! I haven’t found them separately as either easter eggs or extras (maybe in BD-Live?). It is a bit disappointing not having them in HD, but since they include the old DVD maybe is not that big of a deal.

That’s cool, irjam_mx, glad you could get a copy of the Monsters, Inc. Blu-ray! As for the company play and outtakes not being on the Blu-ray version, I remember some of us having a discussion about this at the end of the Monsters, Inc. commentary, as it seemed that we had different versions, some with the play and outtakes (like my own) and some without. I think it was the American version that didn’t have it, so maybe they based the Blu-ray on that?

And I’m very glad that the Blu-ray compares well against the original DVD. It might be quite expensive but it sounds like it’s worth it!

Oh, and welcome to the boards, irjam_mx! :smiley:

Thank you for your reply and warm welcome! I just found the outtakes and company play, they are buried deep in the 2nd disc of extras (Humans only - Release - at the end of the list), they are full frame (1:33) an in HD! So it’s not a big deal really if the end credits don’t have them, they look better this way!


Ah, I see, well that’s good that they’ve been included in the extras bit. You’re making me more and more desperate to get my own hands on a copy sometime. :laughing:

And no worries, you’re welcome! :smiley:

Actually the retail price is USD$25 (which I didn’t pay anyway, I traded a couple of Xbox 360 games to get it), sorry I got the exchange rate wrong the first time.