CMDY - The Early Years

CoMONdy started several years ago from a talk me and Randall were having one night. Of course, we both have some memory trouble, but I suspect it soon led to making up our own jokes to blow off some steam, mostly from him. When Vee joined in, we eventually came up with making up ideas, which eventually began the comic line.
From there we grew with a larger staff and cast, getting much more visually appealing, and with deeper story work, and even dedicated parodies from popular and less-known media. Now, we’re able to produce great works with entertaining scripts.
But it all started with a pencil and paper and some small but humble concepts. We started simply with one good joke, as most comics have. And since it was just me, Ran, and Vee, we were far more comfortable with ourselves, so it didn’t matter for an audience, as this was just for fun for us.
And that’s what these first several comics are. The early work the three of us made together to entertain ourselves. Needless to say we’ve come a LONG way from these simple slides.
So enjoy the first three comics of The Early Years…

Visual Art


Phone Calls

No one’s acknowledging this is here, so I may as well reply.

It’s been quite a while since I saw these originals. Fortunately, my memory isn’t THAT good; I had a few laughs. :slight_smile: What persuaded you to bring CoMONdy here, anyway?

Nice to see some of your CoMONdy comics on here, Nexas! They always make me chuckle. I especially like the ‘Phone Calls’ one out of this collection. :smiley:

Oh, and, just to let you know that to stop the boards from getting too cluttered, we say it’s best for each artist to have one thread for all of their fanart, so if you could post all of your future fanart in this thread only, that’d be great, thanks!

Well acknowledgement on this board can be rather lacklustered.

That’s an interesting question…Randall didn’t want me to bring it here considering the conflicting views and what not…however…the cast and myself decided to bring it to a much broader audience. Albiet we don’t expect much but…shrugs

Well they are the old ones so it’s pretty straight forward laughs heh.

shrugs So far fine with me. Don’t get much attention anyways so this’ll probably be the only type.

The more the three of us got into it, the larger the stories became. Soon we went from two slides to full pages.




:confused: Hmm, now why do these look familiar?

Really? Shouldn’t be unless you’ve been to Ran’s board :stuck_out_tongue:

You could say that I have…


Scary Movies

Cook Out

Wow Nexas! I usually don’t like fanfiction, but I love fanart and fan comics and your’s are surprisingly addictive!

blinks Somebody else? Not related to the other board ACTUALLY responded? This is even more surprising :open_mouth:
Congrats Pixar Builder, you’ve earned the “First Pixar Planet Poster” here! :sunglasses:

I’m hoping their addictive :sunglasses: But in a good way. Though like said, not all of these are black and white. These are merely the starting branches started years ago. The dedication in Ran’s collection is currently what we’re up to but we’re working on new techniques.
Stay tuned and I promise you’ll enjoy :smiley:

Given Pixar Planet’s size restrictions, I had had to cut the slides so it would actually come out seeable. I’m trying to work with sizing down everything as a whole so that wouldn’t be a problem. So far I think it works so hopefully it’ll work with these as they get bigger.







Lol, quite amusing…poor Veemon, even when he beat Randall, it was all for not, I like how you added Tails in there…hmm, any chance that we might see Shadow in the future possibly…sorry, Shadow fangirl fantasies, getting off topic…uh, do I want to know how they wrecked the statue of David little laugh I guess Randall didn’t know about how statues were done back then…very funny overall…

Doesn’t matter much with Vee. Actually they’re both rather competitive…probably good that I have a couple game systems for them to stall that with 0_0
Shadow? Guest? Uhh well sure I mean it’s possible :slight_smile:

Lets just they they wrecked the part that are some women’s favorite ^0^

Well a little competition never hurt anyone…although it seems that boys are always quite competitive, I see too much of that with my younger brothers sometimes…so there is a chance that we might see Shadow, that would be pretty cool crosses fingers:open_mouth: oh, that’s what they wrecked…maybe they need to brush up a little on art history, back then nude statues were not viewed the same as they would be now…or maybe sculpture is not their thing, have they tried looking at other forms of art, I’m sure that they would find something that they like…

laughs Funny enough despite Randall having been 27/28 at the time we did this and Vee is kinda…well…close to about…I dunno…maybe 1000…well anyways, they do act younger than their age ^0^
nods Maybe. We’ll see. Usually we try to work guests in when it’s appropriate.
Vee’s not too touched up on artistry…and Randall…well usually the phrase “give me a paintbrush” comes up somewhere 0_0

Wait, Veemon’s how old? Boy, that is quite some years on the little guy…well, at least you have some idea of his age, I play more pokemon games and sadly, they show no ages on there so unless you have any that were bred and hatched, you really don’t know how old they are…

Well the Digital World runs rather fast compared to this one. In some zones…lets see…in perhaps one minute or one hour of human time…a year or two passes. Heck. Even I’ve forgotten 0_0 Though essentially he’s got quite an age in Digi-Years. But human-wise…uhh…dunno long time uhh…Eight? Maybe more? Not sure since he honestly doesn’t know either.