Wall-E Instrumental Versions

Hello. :slight_smile:
Cheez764 (a good friend of mine) has used his audio editing prowas to remove 99% of the singing from these songs for you to sing to all you want:

Put Your Sunday Clothes On
It Only Takes A Moment
Down To Earth

Songs that have not yet been edited to remove the singing:

Buy 'n Large (Doubtful)
La Vie En Rose
First Date (The BG singing…)


It Only Takes A Moment (Instrumental)

Put On Your Sunday Clothes (Instrumental)
(The last 6 or so seconds does have vocals, due to the original blending the vocals to the BG music. AKA, you can’t remove it without a lot of work.)

Down To Earth (Instrumental)
(Some of the BG singing couldn’t be removed, but the lead signer is pretty much gone. :wink: )

Thanks, and enjoy! :slight_smile:

Uh, I’m not sure i would be able to remove the vocals from Buy n Large. I have yet to try and do the others.

As far as I know, this doesn’t break the rules because these instrumental versions are not available anywhere else. If they were on a CD and Pixar were losing money because you weren’t buying that CD, then things would be different.

Those links aren’t working for me because URLs can’t have spaces in them, only underscores. I’m looking forward to hearing them, though. The idea sounds neat. Sometimes albums are recorded with the audio and vocals split. I’ve played an album on my CD player where it’s ended up sounding like a karaoke track by mistake. Too bad you can’t isolate certain instruments with movie soundtracks, or can you?

Alright, thanks. :slight_smile:

The links have been fixed for all to download!

Also, Down To Earth has been added. :3

I’m sorry. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I still can’t download those two files.