I cried.

I don’t know about everyone else here, but I lost count of how many times I fell apart during this movie. That opening montage was unbelievably touching. <3

For that montage, I noticed no one really understood she had a [spoil]mis-carriage[/spoil] because most of the audience were little children… so I didn’t get upset because I am the type of person that only gets upset when everyone else does, kind of like a virus.

Edited for spoiler content. – Mitch

I have three moments that really make me tear up:

[spoiler]The moment in the montage that really gets to me is the scene with Ellie in the hospital - Carl floating the balloon in to her, Ellie straightening his tie…

Carl finding the message from Ellie in the Adventure Book.

Carl awarding Russell with the Ellie Badge. (Those are Happy Tears.)[/spoiler]

The part I loved the most was near the end, so heart warming [spoil] When Carl gave Russel the “elite badge”[/spoil]

I teared up at that part. :slight_smile:

I just watched Up for the 4th time tonight, and I still tear up! Sometimes just at the sheer beauty of the film too. There are so many touching scenes, especially the montage. The ending, [spoil]when Carl gives Russell the Ellie Badge[/spoil], gets me too, every time.

Yeah there were times when I got a little glassy eyed too. Especially during that whole beginning sequence.

The montage. Holy crud. I even knew what was going to happen (lol newspaper review) and I bawled, just BAWLED. I’m totally a sucker for cute romances and that totally destroyed me…

[spoil]First with the miscarriage, then with Ellie’s death.[/spoil]

I bawled again two more times…

[spoil]I really cried a lot when Carl flips through the Adventure Book and reads Ellie’s message…[/spoil]


[spoil]when Carl gives Russel the Ellie Badge[/spoil]

D: When I see the movie again I’ll have to carry more than one tissue with me xD I knew the movie had sad parts but I didn’t believe how sad xD

[spoil]See, I always thought she was infertile. I mean, I can understand why people would think she had a miscarriage. They set up the room and everything, but you’d think they’d try again if it was a miscarriage. I mean, supposedly they would be adults in the 50’s. Not much was known about pregnancy than. If you wanted to have a baby you’d just prepare and have it.[/spoil]

Edited for spoiler content. – Mitch

Frequently people who have miscarriages have medical conditions that would make it dangerous, even fatal to attempt to have another child. It’s left wonderfully ambiguous. It could be a miscarriage, it could be infertility. In either case, they could have adopted too, but decided to just move on.

yeah… i cried badly too…i never been this touched since The Notebook… :cry:

Ahh, I’ve cried so many times in this movie.

Here’s where!

[spoil]The opening sequence usually gets me, but I’ve toughed it out a few times. The hospital room and Carl at the church gets me pretty hard. Still, one of the most well done segments of the movie. Gorgeous. [11/14]

The REAL killer is when Carl is looking through the Adventure Book at the falls. I have yet to make it through without wiping my face. Sometimes, I even sob a bit! Absolutely my favorite scene in the entire move. It’s done so beautifully. [14/14]

The badge scene has gotten to me as of late, the fact that Carl gives one of his most prized mementos to Russell is really touching and heartfelt. The hug afterwords helps too :smiley: [4/14]

The latest teary-eyed development is the campfire scene. I’ve cried at it the last 2 times I’ve seen it. The whole “Phyllis isn’t my mom” part softens me up a bit, and Russell asking Carl to cross his heart goes in for the kill. :slight_smile: [2/14] [/spoil]

So many beautiful parts in this movie, thank you Pixar. Funny how I tend to cry more the more I watch it. It’s a good cry though.

EDIT: Back from 15, add 1 to all of the above :smiley:

Russell asking Carl [spoil]“cross your heart?”[/spoil] is wonderful, and a great example of a little storytelling trick I love: because Russell has no idea of the significance that phrase has to Carl - but we do, so we know exactly what Carl is feeling.

yeah…is Up is the only heart-warming movie that Pixar made? coz i cried lots of times compared to other.

Not the only, but definitely the most. No question.

karly, I love that part. It probably would have made the movie a bit better if [spoil]Carl talked more with Russell about his life. It would seem a bit one-sided if it weren’t for how protective Carl becomes over Russell, and the badge scene really brings out Carl’s love for Russell, as well as the photos in the credits. That’s one reason I wanted the movie to go on more, I wanted to see the fruits of their new relationship played out, rather than just getting little bits of it.

The best and sweetest thing about the movie is all the little things that Carl holds dear, the mailbox, the bottlecap, the stuff on his mantle (the little bird statue is my fave), the promises he keeps for Ellie. The fact that Russell just happens to stumble upon that sensitive line to Carl really strengthens their relationship (cause we all know that Russell just wants someone to look up to, he tries so hard! :slight_smile: )

The last photo where Russell is talking in the can with the string to Carl is really touching. I love it. Carl’s expression is just perfect.[/spoil] OOH! NEW SIG IDEA!!!

I need that pic, BAD. (I’ll take low quality for now, I want it SO BAD)

Me too. At the montage. and I almost never cry at movies.

WOW! Up was the first movie i ever saw in my life that it made me cry the first time i saw it! the second time i didn’t, but i still felt sad. and my mom cried both times we saw it!

Who didn’t cry while watching that movie? Lol

Aww man for me it was [spoiler] When Ellie had a miscarriage… I think that part got to me alot because my two good friends recently had a miscarriage.

The part where Kevin broke her leg and was crying for her chicks.

When Carl’s house was on fire.

At the end when Carl gave Russell his badge.


Pretty much every other scene due to laughter or sadness. But the ones I mentioned are the big ones for me. When I watch the movie again on DVD or Blu ray.I’ll remember some more scenes.

Aww man… sorry for my language, but DAMN THAT MOVIE. Such a tearjerker. :astonished:

By the end of the movie, my boyfriend and I were in tears. I think my boyfriend enjoyed the movie more than I did because after it was over he kept mentioning how it reminded him of Kiki’s Delivery Service and Castle in the Sky. He loves those movies, lol. Also for a straight week he quoted Russell’s lines to me. Sometimes he’s a bigger kid at heart than I am when it comes to Pixar and anime.

Wow, there’s only 2 moments in there I can really say I cried to, the other ones seem a bit obscure to me. I think you’re the first person I’ve heard crying for [spoil]Kevin[/spoil], and did you seriously NOT cry at the[spoil] part where Carl is looking through the book at the falls? That part makes me BAAAAAAWL![/spoil]

I’ve settled on my 3 “teary” moments (and I’m sure I’ve said this before):
In the montage, when [spoil]Ellie is in the hospital - the bit where Carl flies the balloon in to her, especially.[/spoil]
The BIG one, which ffdude mentions: [spoil]Carl looking at the rest of the Adventure Book and finding the note from Ellie.[/spoil]
And the “happy tears” one, which KarmaWolf mentions: [spoil]Carl giving Russell the Ellie Badge, Russell’s face, Carl’s salute, the hug…[/spoil]

I don’t cry when [spoil]Kevin gets hurt, but it is definitely a :open_mouth: moment. The bit where she is using her neck to try to raise herself is agonizing, because it feels so real, as far as how a wounded animal would react. Great work by the animators there.[/spoil]

Oh yeah! Thanks for reminding me. I actually wasn’t expecting to see that [spoil] in the book… I remember seeing it and I swelled up with tears.[/spoil]. Bad Karma Bad! How can I forget that scene? :blush:

Man I can’t wait till Up comes out on dvd and blu ray already… I want it!