Final Destination

I love these movies, there so fun, entertaining, and at some points very disturbing, [spoil]Tod’s death from the first movie[/spoil] A new one, Final Destination 5, is coming out this August if you didn’t know.

Here is the trailer for it:
[url]- YouTube

I will definitely see that in theaters


but…wasn’t the last one called /the/ final destination? as in /THE FINAL/ destination?

sorry for the negativity, but we really, /really/ do not need another saw (franchise). especially since the ~last~ saw probably wasn’t even the final one.

but, uhm, on a positive note, it looks better than the fourth one.

I think Final Destination 5 is going to ‘rock’ just as well as Scream 4…

Not to sure If I’m gonna watch it. I am starting to think that a little too much of something could mean that it’s being overdone.

[url]Final Destination 5 - TV Spot #10 - YouTube

This looks like the best one yet! I can’t believe there are only 3 days left!

Now i don’t even know why they called it THE Final Destination.