25 Days of Christmas!

Woody, followed by a Jessie/Buzz tie. :slight_smile:

My favorite Toy Story character is Jessie, of course!

I love Jessie. <3 I like Woody more as a character, but I definitely think Jessie’s the prettiest. And she’s one of my 5 favorite PIXAR characters ever!! :smiley:

I watched WALL-E last night with my siblings, we enjoyed it, of course!

Strange, when I tuned in for both WALL-E and The Incredibles, I was just in time for that Santa dude that pops up in the corner of the screen. :laughing:

K9Girl; It’s not Christmas until you see that guy, lolz

You guys are right, Jessie is so much fun! It’s hard to pick a favorite character when you love them all so much! Ellie-jessie-eve, I love that you watched Wall-E with your siblings – 25 Days of Christmas is such a fun reason to cuddle up with the family. And K9Girl, it must have been a holiday sign to you! So, who is getting excited for Christmas? It’s just around the corner now!

Even though they aren’t Disney/Pixar movies, we’ve got more great films all week long on ABC Family, including Miracle on 34th Street, The Polar Express, and our all-day holiday classics marathon on the 24th!

Hey guys, since 25 Days of Christmas is winding down and Christmas is almost here, I just wanted to say I’ve had a great time chatting with you guys! I’ll keep you all posted on any upcoming Disney/Pixar weekends on ABC Family. Be sure to keep watching through Christmas – you’ll love the Holiday Classics Marathon running all day Christmas Eve (7am/6c – 10pm/9c), and Dr Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas at 7/6c on Christmas Day!

I’ve enjoyed you around here ABCFamily. I like how you dont’ just inform us, you ask for our opinions as well!

And you can tell from my avatar that I loves the Grinch, I’ll be sure to watch it again! Is the one on Christmas day the Animated version or Jim Carrey version?

Aww, I’ll miss the 25 days!! It’s one of the things that makes the holidays, without sounding too commercial. Seriously, is there any place to buy P&R?? I love it so much!!

Ho Ho Holy smokes, never expected to see this film mentioned on a Pixar forum! Then again, never heard of Video Brinquedo before joining in here. GoodTimes Entertainment, indeed!

Anyway, ABCFamily, sorry to have missed a back-and-forth with you on this movie. But it’s comforting that at least one other person on the planet caught the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom nod…


Have to admit, something about it warrants Christmas re-watching every year. Merry Christmas!

Anyone been watching this again?

Yes, I probably will end up watching a few of their program.s

I wath every year. I record the ones I really like or haven’t seen, and delete them after Christmas.

Can’t wait for The Year Without a Santa Claus!! :smiley:

They should play Die Hard. I don’t know if they ever did. :laughing:

Incredigirl, I’m also looking forward to A Year Without a Santa Claus. I think it’s coming on Thursday. Woo :smiley:

I was looking at the schedule to make sure I watch some movies I don’t already own. The only straight-up Christmas ones I own are Elf, The Polar Express, Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas, Home Alone (1), and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

Anyone here like The Santa Clause. I only like the first one, the other two are pretty dumb.

Yes, and I agree that the other two aren’t too great, especially the third. But I can pretty much watch any movie involving Christmas and mildly enjoy it.

When I was little, I watched the first Santa Claus every year. I’ve never seen the sequels, and I don’t have to desire to either.