2d revival?

i have been hoping for a while that 2d animation will come back because it has a certain quality that 3d animation could never do.

I miss 2D animation as well. I was wondering if it would ever come back again. I’m glad that Princess and the Frog is coming out soon.

I know. Since the 90s, 2d animation has kind of sagged. Although I’m betting you that it WILL come back shortly after The Princess and the Frog. If the comback in the 90s was called Disney Renassaince (I KNOW I didn’t spell that right) then what would the new comeback be referred to as?

Yeah, I love 2d animation as well, Princess and the Frog got me pretty excited, I love how they’re using the traditional style for it. They should keep doing that for a long, long time. It’s so clean and pretty, gives a unique aesthetic to the movie.

I think that the revival of 2D animation all depends on the succes of the Princess and the frog. If its a big succes other studios will want to have a part of the “potential” succes and will also make new cartoons. Its just the question if they will succeed or fail and if they will take 2D down with them or not. As for the disney 2D animation, I’m sure it will be as solid as ever.

i bet its going to be great!

I really hope they’ll do more after The Princess and the Frog
I also hope The Princess and the Frog will have the same amazing qualities that Disney Classics had before. Because a whole lot relies on it to be successful.
1986: That’s a good question…Disney Revival?

Yeah there’s quite a lot riding on Princess and the Frog. If it goes well, hopefully then people will realize that 2D is not dead and it still has a place.