Hi all! I’m about to go see Toy Story 3 in Holland - however, I’m concerned that even though I’ll be seeing an OV (original language, ie. English) version of the film, it’ll have Dutch subtitles, which might prevent me from being able to understand what Spanish Buzz is saying.
Has anyone else seen Toy Story 3 in a primarily non-English speaking country? If so, did the film also have English subtitles for the Spanish portions of the movie?
I’ve only seen the US version in the US, but just as a reassurance - even if you don’t get a direct translation of what Spanish Buzz is saying, it’s pretty clear just from the physical acting and tone of voice. (VERY mild potential spoilers): If you remember in the first Toy Story [spoil]how Buzz behaved when he first met the toys, you’ll have no trouble getting him here. And his romantic side doesn’t need any translation![/spoil]
Thanks guys! I did end up seeing it today, and yep you’re right, there were only Dutch subtitles, but it didn’t matter at all - I found I could basically get the gist of what Spanish Buzz was saying just from the context and his body language.
You know, in a way, not being able to read the subtitles actually kind of worked out well - [spoil]since none of the other toys could understand every word Buzz was saying either, I could identity with their confusion a tad more[/spoil].
(Really not sure what I should or shouldn’t put in spoilers, so to be on the safe side I’ll just tag anything as a potential spoiler).
I think it would be interesting not seeing it with subtitles, like the original trailers showed. Like you said, it would put you at the same understanding with the other toys.
When Spanish Buzz says [spoil]“Amigos - o enemigos?” I love the way Woody says, “Amigos! We’re all amigos here!” Any good cowboy at least knows what “amigos” means.
And there’s an old old song called, “You don’t have to know the language,” that basically sums up all that business between Buzz & Jessie… [/spoil]