A very Pixar Halloween

Hey everyone,

Long time lurker, first time poster. Halloween is a pretty serious hobby of mine; I just love making stuff. I’ve won prizes for Alien and Predator themed costumes, but this year I’ve turned my attention to a contrasting, but equally fanatic love of mine: Pixar. Specifically, I’m constructing a homemade Zurg costume for this All-Hallows-Eve :slight_smile:

I’m at a pretty early stage of the build, so I’ll keep updating this thread. Thanks for looking :slight_smile:

The first order of business was Zurg’s head. I always follow the same pattern when constructing a costume’s mask:

Step 1: Make a wire frame of the head, based on as many pictures from as many angles as possible.

Step 2: Cover the frame in masking tape, which serves as a primer for papier mache.

Step 3: Papier mache the mask.

So with this in mind, I began Step 1. I made a very rough outline of Zurg’s head (apologies for the bad quality phone-pictures, I’ve been very lazy - must start using a proper camera):

I then began Step 2:

With the masking tape covering the head, it was time to start the papier mache. There was one obstacle stopping me from getting started though: Zurg’s eyes.

The problem was that my (real) eyes didn’t line up with the eyes I had drawn on the mask (where I was going to cut out the eyeholes). It was quite worrying for a while, but I got around the problem by cutting out some of the wire foundation on the inside of the mask (the masking tape was holding it in place now). This allowed me to push my head further up the inside of the mask, matching up my eyes with the proposed eyeholes.

And with that, I began Step 3 (I usually do 3 layers of papier mache):

That’s as far as I’ve gotten on the head; now I just need to make his horns, give them the papier mache treatment, stick them on, and paint the mask (as well as figure out how I’m going to do his eyes, I’ll get back to that one).

I was working on Zurg’s gun, the Ion Blaster, simultaneously to constructing the head. Using the same method as the mask, I have gotten the three barrels of the blaster done so far. This was very frustrating as I initially miscalculated their length, which made life very difficult in shortening them. How and ever…

So that’s pretty much where I am now. I hope to progress further this week, I’ll post up whatever I get done. Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Woah, that looks awesome!!

However, in the future, please try to do that in one post. Great job, anyway!! :smiley:

That’s amazing! I love homemade costumes, it’s what I always do. I can’t wait to see what the finished product looks like!

Dude, thats awesome!! I can’t wait to see more in the process of making it! Thats pretty cool, how you know how to make your own homemade costumes. It will probably look better than an official Zurg costume!! :smiley:

That’s pretty cool

And welcome to the boards.:slight_smile:

Thanks for the replies all. The face is now done :smiley:

Words cannot descri- Okay they can…Awesome!

Oh my gosh!! Amazing work so far!!! :smiley:

That looks great!

Looks great!

It looks realy good Zurg’s Ion Blaster

Wow, looking good! I’m impressed. I cant wait to see more of it :slight_smile:


Wow I was pretty shocked to come on and see that the thread had gone onto page 2 :slight_smile:

I just started a new job so I’ve had barely any time to work on him, the clock is ticking though!! I’m dedicating all day today to him so hopefully I’ll have some meaningful progress soon.

In the meantime though, I’d like to share a photo from last Halloween - my girlfriend is also a huge, huge Pixar fan. She went as none other than:

We made him together, he started out as a huge flat cardboard poster.

Thanks for following, hope to have more pics soon!


Oh, thats such a cute picture! That costume looks great! It’s nice that you share the same interests with your girlfriend :wink:

I cant wait to see more pics of your progress!

Wow! You are very creative! Very nice idea.