A Wall-E sequel would be a good idea.

The one thing this movie does not need is a sequel, it is perfect as it is and I for one would probably not watch a esquel even if one was released as, as far as I’m concerned, this film is complete, and resplendant in it’s fullness.

(Although I’ve got to say Dan*e’s idea is pretty good, although i doubt Wall•e and EVE would ever procreate as they weren’t designed to do so.)

Either way a sequel would not be a good idea, I like Pixar on account of the fact that they don’t try to spam sequels out of everything and I hope it stays that way.

As far as I’m concerned, WALL•E is simply the best, no doubt about that.
Also, everyone here, I must say, makes a valid point when it comes to making a sequel. I, like every other crazy fanatic out there, am eager for a sequel, but hoping it won’t ruin WALL•E as some sequels have done before. I’m thinking that the biggest problems with a WALL•E sequel are, in no particular order:

  1. A lot more criticism, good and bad towards it.
  2. A lot of work, as with the first one.
  3. We are running out of ideas for it.

I may be just a kid, but I have a few ideas of my own (criticism is welcome):

First and foremost: THEY WILL NOT HAVE KIDS. Sorry, but I just don’t see how that could add on to the movie, let alone how they will look. Thumbs down.

Second: If I’m not mistaken, many love stories have to do with jealousy, which the first one did not have (unless it was hidden from the audience). I’m thinking that somewhere in the movie this new girl shows up, apparently lost, and…i think you get the idea.
In truth, I couldn’t help but compare Eve to Tinker Bell at some point (don’t ask me how or why). In Peter Pan (trailing away from Pixar for a bit), Tink and Peter Pan are together forever, pretty much. And then Pan brings Wendy along, eager to show her the rest of Neverland and all that bit. The closer they get, the more Tink’s jealousy fumes, especially at the point when Wendy wants to kiss him. At her fury’s peak, she’s captured by Captain Hook and actually helps him with the plan when he mentions that Wendy will be gone forever if she helps. However, this only leads to her being held captive along with Wendy and landing Pan in serious trouble. (I’ve lost myself at this point).

Maybe one would try and mold this idea around Wall•E and Eve, being that the “Wendy” of the story is actually faster and maybe smarter than Eve. I only take it this way (with Eve being the jealous one) because it wouldn’t make much sense if Eve fell for someone else.
As a quick recap, [spoil]basically the main reason why Eve loves Wall•E so much is that once she realizes how much he loves her, and how he would do anything just to be by her side, it instantly got her attention as well as her deep admiration for him. Also, before meeting Wall•E, Eve is very rigid when it comes to trust, shown obviously by the fact that she had shot at every little thing that jumped out at her when she first arrived on Earth. If a gorgeous male robot were to step in her way, (and if he were like the average hot, stuck-up male who saw a hot single girl), I doubt Eve would just melt at the sight of him unless he had the same determination, humor, and heart as Wall•E, and/or she somehow gains his absolute trust as she had with Wall•E.[/spoil]
Point being, Eve is not the kind of bot to instantly fall for another, whereas Wall•E is.
The question is, who is the new girl, what would she look like, what acronym name would she have, what would her directive be, and how long had she been alive? I’m still working on that one.

Third: (crappy idea, i think) a little while after the humans have returned to Earth, somebody might have the desire to take over the world, as BnL had done so long ago, be it human or robot. With the possible use of the prior idea, the antagonist (whomever they may be) might use Eve, a lethal weapon, to help out, even if it requires a certain, er, “brainwash” to rearrange her directive. I came up with this one off the top of my head.

Fourth: (also crappy) the entire movie retold in another perspective. I thought of this one and wondered if robots could dream…

Fifth: (still crappy) a prequel. I’m clueless here.

FINALLY: (not as crappy, but still) He proposes. WALL•E finds a cheap rubber bracelet and, when the time is right, he kneels awkwardly and presents it to Eve (a ring would obviously not work out). I’m not sure if he knew what this meant or not. I honestly had a dream that this happened! <3

And that’s it. As far as the name of the sequel goes, WALL•E 2 is the best I’ve got.

I know that Stanton wants to take a breather from robots, but, of course, that doesn’t mean that this will last forever. If somebody’s looking for ideas, regardless who that somebody is, this is all I have.

I support a sequel being made, but I also understand that one can be made for the wrong reasons which, if this happens, will break my heart. The magic would die. I am not ready for such a romantic couple to die out. WALL•E is purely a classic of the future.


I believe strongly that this move does not need a sequel. Everyone is back down to earth, WALL-E and EVE are together, what more do we need to solve? It is perfect the way it ended.

I agree; the film is perfect as is. Any sequels would just be profit mongering. The human imagination makes the end of this story so much sweeter than any sequel ever could.

And I respect your opinions.

I get your point, and I must say I agree with what you’re saying: the film and its ending are perfect as-is.

However, I represent those who are actually dying for a sequel, regardless how much up to par it is with the first one. I know there are people out there who are like that, and I just so happen to be one of them.

So there.

Dan-E’s idea was first come across by lizardgirl a few months ago when she first put her big toe in the fan fiction pool. Also, the 2nd part of his idea was explored in the Robots movie of 2005. I suppose if they ever do a sequel or prequel Wall-E and company might repair old broken down bots, including some smaller ones who are child like.

Eve Why would the ability to dream be a crappy idea with robots? I would bet that Blue Sky is considering this with their next installment of their silly movie. Wall-E has a sleep period and you can be sure a good dream would be fun to watch. Now what you are suggesting here is a large part of the movie being recounted thru a robot’s dream, and that’s a novel idea.

Why would a prequel be a crappy idea? Someone has a prequel idea over in the fan fiction subforum. I haven’t read it yet, but am not ready to pass any judgment on it.

I’ve said it before, just because some or most of you guys can’t come up with any ideas for a new Wall-E movie or that the ending seemed perfect doesn’t mean Pixar shouldn’t think about new ideas. Some people just aren’t any good with original ideas. Some musicians I know say “all the chords have been played, you can’t come up with anything new”. Some people can’t recognize a good new idea and others can’t possibly develop new ideas even if they see the virtue in them. I trust that the people at Pixar will put some effort into thinking about a sequel. They may find their creative energies should be expended in another more fertile storyline, and Wall-E should lay fallow. So be it. That doesn’t stop us from exploring!

Yes!!! Somebody who agrees with me!

I’ve been feeling a little down lately (don’t ask why), and encouragement was definitely what I needed.

Well worded, Weaver. Well worded.

I personally believe this is one of the movies that are best left as it is - it’s something that should be left for the fanfictions to finish.

We can’t keep on making sequels for every single film!

What about a prequel where he finds toys or not necessarily The ones from Toy Story but some that are alive or something and he befriends them and helps make them a a home among all the trash.

Here is what I’ve said last fall about this:

“So maybe a ‘prequel’ suggestion is in order… Of course, we have heard what Stanton said, that he is “done with fishes and robots”, for now anyways. But he is not the only lead creator in their organization. Toys in general have far more potential diversity than practical items. And we all know where Pixar went with toys. Wall-E was built to be a practical item, not a toy that comes alive (altho he was a practical item that was aware of his surroundings and eventually became ‘alive’). However, 100 years from now, when he was built to help clean things up, there must have been some very real toys, somewhere on earth. Getting the idea?”

The gray area between a functional item and developing a personality is curious. It’s an immense leap, not known to have been accomplished yet, except in fantasy. More fascinating is showing the growth of the machine or toy into a conscious being. There is a whole world that surrounds Wall-E 100 years from now, albeit one that is rapidly disappearing until he is almost all alone. (Remember that Stanton thought up this whole concept because of its unprecedented loneliness.) Functional items, old and discarded, or new, leading edge and unable to be taken aboard a ship must abound on such a dying, emptied earth. Objects inside buildings such as people’s collections are a fertile source. Specialized buildings are interesting too. The discarded junk is bound to be less interesting but generates sympathetic feelings, and it’s what Wall-E does, so there…

In the movie almost all the items Wall-E finds on earth are present in 2008, even though a whole century of discoveries, ideas, movies and toys passes. The creators, for whatever reasons, chose not to invent new toys, or robot toys beyond the singing fish. Even the functional beings do tasks familiar to us. It’s been said that a sufficiently advanced technology would appear magical to us, and perhaps absurd in a fantasy movie. Some people believe we can only look into the future about 50 years to guess about coming technologies. The word robot comes from 1925, and you better believe people thought about them long before then, as far back as the invention of mechanical clocks around 1300, even though a specific term wasn’t conjured up at that time. So that 50 year rule can be baloney. What sort of new technologies would you like to see, and could you make a toy out of that concept?

Hey, aren’t we all. I mean, we’re discussing Pixar movies. :laughing:

Haha, I just got this image in my head- WALL•E wakes up from his “dream”, and doesn’t realize that there is a difference between what happens in his dream and what’s real. (No, this is not going towards the Matrix!) Being the curious bot he is, he goes to the places he saw in his dream… The idea would of course have to be expanded from there, but it’s an interesting start in my opinion.

And if there is a WALL•E sequel, it can not be called “WALL•E 2”.

Exactly what I’ve been thinking of blac hoel. Now you have to ask ‘how would Wall-E know about a place he had never been to?’, or perhaps there was something he picked up as a bit odd about a certain place he had actually visited earlier in the day. Does he turn off his cpu completely when he goes ‘to sleep’?

Why would Wall-E dream? Since Wall-E’s have to learn to interact successfully with their environment, they may have to forget lots of unimportant things, i.e. they have limited memory capability. At some point every day we humans have to dump extraneous info. Some scientists today think that is what dreaming is about. Others think that there just isn’t any way to really turn off our subconscious during sleep. So we become aware of what it is doing as we are waking up.

Since Wall-E is sooo curious, he will certainly visit any place he had an unusual dream about with an especially inquisitive eye. And in such a movie, his curiosity just has to be rewarded. Fact: there is something interesting in that building or over ‘there’ somewhere that is integral to the storyline, and he must get there. How do you do get him ‘there’? An odd circumstance such as an avalanche or surviving bot or uncovering some still functional car keys are ways. So is dreaming. Dreaming gets him there and it also uncovers his growing human side, and it’s a very interesting means. So it satisfies the story every way you look at it.

Umm, no Wall-E2? Wall-E Begins?

I happen to think there are a lot of good possibilities for a sequel. Clearly, the original was good enough to stand on it’s own without a sequel. That doesn’t mean a sequel couldn’t be written for it. I’d love to see a sequel.

We saw one of the ships in the BnL fleet return to earth; the Axiom. There were many others.

We don’t know if the ships had communication with each other, but maybe one or more of them had technical difficulties and needed assistance to return. Who better to send than Wall-E & Eve seeing as how they had such a big role in returning the Axiom to earth?

My $.02 :slight_smile:

Wall-E is one of my favorite films ever, as well as Hello Dolly (as you can tell by my screen name) and I’m afraid I’d be upset if they made a Wall-E sequel.

Not that I don’t WANT to see more Wall-E, I just don’t think its really necessary.

I mean especially since in the credits it shows what happened to humanity after the movie, and also it would just ruin the inoccence and thoughtfulness of the filme.

The movie makes you think about life on Earth and leaves you wondering and asking questions, and I’d really hate for that, one of the things I love the most about the movie, to be destroyed.

Oh, please, for the love of Chrsyler, NO. :open_mouth:

The ending was perfect already, Wall-E and Eve fell in love, everyone lived happily ever after. They even showed human civilization being rebuilt in the credits, for Pete’s sake!

Wall-E and Eve should not (and could not) have babies. I like the idea of AUTO returning to take his revenge, but sounds a bit too much like that Aladdin sequel. If they’re gonna make another Wall-E movie, I’d rather it be a prequel. I know a lot of fans would rather leave with their own interpretation of how Wall-E survived all those lonely centuries on Earth alone, but if they’re going to pull another one, I’d rather it be an origins story instead of a direct continuation.

Seriously, Wall-E is sacred stuff. It’s like Monsters Inc, Ratatouille or (I’m guessing) Up. All loose ends tied up, case closed, end of story, done, finished, finito. Unlike say, Toy Story, Cars, A Bug’s Life and The Incredibles where you’ve got other parts of their ‘world’ to explore.

plz remove error abort

Just did a search for ‘sequel’ and the relevant Pixar movies which are NOT yet scheduled for such (so excludes Cars and TS) and here they are:

A Bug’s Life → 26 replies, its a big world to explore!
Monsters Inc. -->248 replies, this has a leak going on right now…
Finding Nemo → 60 replies, Nemo gets lost again, oh no!, but finds Mom, ah…
The Incredibles > 248 replies, you could have either sequel or prequel
Ratatouille ----> none
Wall-E -------> 126 replies and still going strong, tilt toward a prequel
Up--------------> 34 if you include 2 ‘What if’ threads, see below for more…

The top 3 are Monsters, Bug’s and our dear friend. There doesn’t seem to be much interest in the rest, Nemo was found, Remy is a great chef. As for Up, [spoil]Carl’s wife encouraged him to go on his own adventure, but I can see more happening there, especially since Muntz went down with a few balloons and may have survived to wreck his vengeance.[/spoil]

This thread has gravitated toward ‘what would you put into a Wall-E sequel?’, which was the topic of another thread.

No No No No No No No!

There is no need for a Wall-E sequel, and those that want one are out of their minds. Pointless sequels would start to make Pixar look like Dreamworks. Constantly fast tracking sequels and crappy ideas for the dosh, we don’t want this do we? we all know that Pixar are beyond this don’t we?

So why do people want pointless sequels to be made? A Wall-E sequel is as Dumb as a Finding nemo sequel or a Ratatouille Sequel. The originals started and ended perfectly. There is nothing more to say.

I for one am not happy that we are getting a Monsters inc. Sequel, Never mind this.

I’m surprised at the close minded naysayers on this board. If things were left up to people like you, a movie like Wall-E would never have been made in the first place.

I think it’s more the other way round. I think if it was up to us, many more movies like WALL-E would be made, and many less sequels like Shrek Goes Forth would be made. The general consensus is that being original is a good thing, and that’s exactly what WALL-E is. But a WALL-E sequel would obviously not be original, and would be in place of another potential, original ‘WALL-E’ (i.e. a completely new film).

And welcome to the boards, dstone5! I take it you’re a WALL-E fan? :smiley: