I usually don’t do music videos, but i do a few rarely, so i might as well post them here.
The end was a little chilling at the Twin Towers, but great job nonetheless!
Well, it wasn’t anything I was expecting, but it was an original idea. Nice A113.
Thanks for being honest. I didn’t think the Twin Towers was that good an idea, either, butt i wanted to end with something sad, since the song ended kind of sad, you know?
Do you plan on doing any othe MVs as in synching music to the movie clips (EG: mine or WALL-E’s)?
I didn’t want to watch the video till after I’d seen the movie, but that was AWESOME! You are so clever. How did you memorise the actual sequence of the beginning of the movie? Anyway, well done. It’s amazing what people like you can come up with using Google Earth and a bit of creativity. =)
Yeah. You had a original idea there A113 !
TSS: Yeah, probably, but i’d have to get tons of clips first, and a song, that goes well with the clips…
Rachel: Thanks! Well, i didn’t really memorize the sequence, i just remembered a lot of it in my head. I didn’t find this video until way after i made the video, and i love watching it.
Pixar.rocks: Thanks! I love Google Earth. lol
That was really cool! I love Google earth too. Don’t you make those Powerpoint presentations for Luxo Jr. and the Wall-E trailer? Those are also really cool.
Yeah, that’s me. Thanks, M-O! ell, maybe i should start making some more…any ideas?
Maybe you could do one for the Up trailer when it comes out. That would be cool.
A113: If you want some help learning how, I can teach you.
That’d be cool, TSS.
First off, before you we get started, you have to pick some things.
What movie do you want to start your MV with?
Is it going to be a cross or just one movie?
Will the MV revolve around one character or the entire movie?
Is the MV going to be a happy one? A funny one? A sad one? a Dark one? Etc?
You answer these questions, and I’ll ask more detailed ones later on.
Definitely WALL•E.
Just WALL•E.
Probably WALL•E.
And it’ll hopefully be happy. Like energetic so that you just want to go and get your coffee/Mountain Dew/Coke whatever has caffeine in it. You know what i mean?
That’s what i’m thinking of.
Very well then. Just to warn you that you are limited on WALL-E clips, and I don’t reccomend illegally downloading it, but if you want WALl-E, then that is fine.
Next off, Which kiind of Mv do you plan to make? A Choreographed one (My First TI MV)? A Storytelling MV (My Violet Parr MV)? Or a Tribute MV (My Incredibles 7m:30s)?
Do you have windows movie maker or any other movie making software?
Do you have a source of getting WALL-E footage?
Okay, as for an energetic song, that is up to you. I reccomend you pick a song that you not only know but love as well.
I’m probably going to wait for my DisneyFile digital copy to come in.
That’s a tough one, but probably choreographed. I spelled it right!
Windows Stinky Movie Maker, yep.
Uh…not at the moment.
Hmm…energetic songs…
Well, while you can use trailers, sample clips and featurettes.