Academy Awards 2012

SoA: that statement doesn’t suprise me in the slightest! :smiley:
I need Thomas Newman’s score for The Help to be nominated :stuck_out_tongue:

I really hope Cars 2 does not get a nomination. I love the movie, but that would be the greatest embarrassment of all.

It could also mean a Cars 3.

Hopefully not ^^. Not that I didn’t love the first two, but I just think that might be pushing it too far.

As much as I enjoyed Cars, I hope it isn’t nominated for anything. I think it would just hurt Pixar to see their first flop get nominated for “Best Animated Film” or another category.

I think if Cars 2 got nominated, it’d be somewhat insulting to other animated films. I can think of at least 5 animated films this year that have been better than Cars 2-and don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed Cars 2. If it’s going to get nominated, I hope it’s for Best Song or Score (although I didn’t think the score was at all remarkable) and not for Animated Feature.
I think Best Animated Feature will go:

  1. Rango
  2. The Adventures of Tintin
  3. Chico and Rita
  4. Winnie The Pooh

And I actually don’t think they’ll have 5-surely The Smurfs and Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked will get disqualified, right? Because someone please explain to me how they constitute as “animated films”? :mrgreen:

I hope John and the crew don’t expect to win much this year.

Nah, they are bound to know the situation as it is.

I assume Rango will win, and I am pulling for it, or Rio.

I do think Rango will win, but it really wasn’t a big favorite of mine.

Both Rango and Tintin are big game changers. It will be a tough call.

^I personally think that they’re the only films that stand much of a chance to be fair. Not that the other films are all bad, but because the former was very well received by critics and is being hyped online to win, and the latter is a Spielberg film based on a very famous and well respected source.

Another catagory that interests me: Best Director, anyone? :slight_smile:

David Fincher, I’m sure thus far.

See, I’m not convinced :slight_smile:. I’m hoping Tomas Alfredson will nab it.
Maybe I should stop dismissing The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Never seen the original films or read the books so I have place to judge…yet.

He will probably get nominated too.

Anyway, the source of Girl with the… is pure Swedish brilliance. But of course they could mess it up with the film. It just doesn’t look like that this far.

Funny thing is that Alfredson is also Swedish 8D

Alfredson is a brilliant director, imo.
I think I better pick the books up. :slight_smile:
Lot’s of adaptations this year! I bet the Best Adapted Screenplay category will be packed out! I hope The Help and Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy get Adapted Screenplay nods.

I usually really follow the Oscar season, but I’ve been behind this year. I expect Ides of March and J Edgar to be nomiated a few times.

I expected J. Edgar to be nominated too, but it was a critical failure. But probably Di Caprio will get the film’s only nomination.

How many awards to you guys see Harry Potter winning?

Harry Potter? Meh… Maybe a nomination for Visual Effects (just maybe), and in the best of the cases, another technical one like Best Sound Edition, or something like that.

Oh! And Best Makeup for the goblins.