
Chocolate is my favourite food,next to pizza, taco’s, fish & chips, BBQ chicken, haribo and tomato soup :slight_smile:

^Chocolate, pizza, and tacos… that could almost define me as far as food goes. 8D :mrgreen:

I once read you can be allergic to water.

Whoa, seriously? That would be quite a nightmare. :open_mouth:

yeah, woulden’t be too fun.

how would that work? if you were allergic to water? aren’t Humans like 70% water? (or is that the planet?)

im not REALLY allergic to anything… just slightly, last year i had a stuffy nose for over a year, so my mom took me to an allergist, apparently im allergic (SLIGHTLY) to: Cows (random?), egg whites (not the yolk, just the whites), peanuts (always suspected, whenever i eat peanuts my mouth gets itchy… my parents didn’t believe me, so i just stopped eating peanuts), hay (technically Johnson grass), and thats all i remember, but none of it was anything past a stuffy nose and sneezing, my dad on the other hand… major allergies to Poison Ivey (he sprays the back yard every year), and Penicillin (a lot of people are allergic to this, because its made of bread mold)

Im not completely perfect health-wise though… i have an Auto-immune disease… not fun :frowning:

Oh man, I don’t know what I’d do!

I wouldn’t be worried about being allergic to water. I looked it up, and there are less than 30 diagnosed patients with such a condition.

Like I said, still don’t know if he is still allergic.

The thing is with allergies is that, unless they’re severe, it’s more of a nuisance than a threat. I find living with my allergies very easy, the only thing I miss not being able to do is order a Hawaiian pizza. Even with chocolate, there are lots of other sweet foods about.

Oh dear, Snipe! It sounds like you must have some difficulty finding stuff to eat, especially at restaurants.

I’m not allergic to anything that I’m aware of.

Yes, it can become difficult. Generally I don’t have too many problems finding food though, there are just certain foods and restaurants I have to avoid. But you know those steakhouses with peanut shells all over the floor? Yeah, I went to one of those once. It was utterly horrific. :shake: :open_mouth:

What! I have never heard of steakhouses with peanut shells all over the floor.

Once again, oh dear! Kinda interesting how something so seemingly ordinary/unimportant becomes horrifying when someone’s seriously allergic to it. I know a lot of schools now are entirely peanut-free and they educate their students/families about that stuff.

I used to be terribly allerged to Vitamin C, especially to citrus plants, but I guess now I’m not. At least, I didn’t suffer from it for years.

I am allergic to liquid soap. It makes some spots on my hands that itch like crazy. I am also allergic to dust. I sneeze every time dust is around and I sniffle alot.

Oh whoa! Liquid soap? That’s interesting.

I am not allergic to anything to my knowledge.

@ellie-jessie-eve I know I have never heard of anyone with that allergy.

As far as I know I’m not really allergic to anything although I used to have a bad reaction to ragweed when I was a kid and I was a bit lactose intolerant as a child too.

My b/f has a lot of bad allergies.

I’m allergic to homework. :laughing:

No, seriously… I’m actually not allergic to anything. I’m glad for that.