
I’m allergic to like, a whole slew of things. I am extremely allergic to all kinds of nuts. I’ll go into anaphylactic shock if I eat them, and I’ll have a minor reaction just from touching where someone else has touched after eating them. I can’t eat anything that’s even manufactured on the same equipment as something with nuts. I’m also allergic to avacodos and cayenne pepper, and I’m less allergic to carrots, bananas, peas, and sometimes lettuce (due to the pesticides, I believe). And that’s just food. I have the general problem with spring pollen and dust, and I sneeze and sniffle quite often. I have problems with animal hair, and I’ve had reactions after dogs have licked me. So, yeah… :laughing: :unamused:

So, what about you all? Anyone else have allergy problems?

The only thing that I know that I’m allergic to would be a medicine called penicillin.

Of what I know, I’m not allergic to anything.

I’m allergic to pineapple and kiwi fruit. It’s not severe in that I’d go into anaphylactic shock, but my tounge and lips (and hands if I touch them) go into an itchy rash.

I’m allergic to peanuts. And when i was younger, I had very sensitive skin. If you rubbed me or scratched me, I break out into hives.

I’m mostly allergic to dust.

Nothing besides that, to my knowledge.

A lot of people I know are alergic to dust and grass.

No, grass doesn’t bother me, but yes, dust affects most people.

I’m only allergic to pollen, grass pollen to be more specific.

I used to have bad hayfever and athsma as a child, but now it’s barely even there!

I have asthma too. Unfortunately, I don’t see it going away anytime soon. :-\

I don’t get any more reactions to my skin. My sensitive skin has gone now, but because i have never eaten peanuts, I have grown to really dislike.

Me too. Although not officially because I never got the test.

Oh no! I don’t know what I’d do if I were allergic to pineapples.

I’m not allergic to any known things.

One of my friends was allegic to chocolate, not sure if he still is. He could eat and drink it, just not a lot.

It’s not that bad, it’s not like they’re a paticuarly common fruit anyways, at least round here :slight_smile:.

Now, I wouldn’t know what to do if I was allergic to chocolate!

^My dad is somewhat allergic to chocolate… he sneezes horribly after eating or drinking it. I don’t think he’ll admit it though, cause chocolate’s the greatest thing in the world to him. 8D

I would also hate to be allergic to chocolate, who woulden’t?

If I or any or my friends were allergic to chocolate, we would die.

Not sure if he still is. May ask him.