An Incredibles Prequel?

I loved Glory Days Bob and helen. I would like to have seen more of them too, maybe in a short as well.

Teehee I can tell from your signature. :-D)

As dumb as it sounds, I want Vi and Dash to see the blue Mr. I uniform and Elastigirl’s old uniform and be like, “Wow…pretty.” :laughing: It would be so cool to see Vi and Dash find the old suits.

Ooh IV, I like that idea very much. That seems more sequel though.

Thats not dumb at all! I always imagined Violet as a little girl like 7 or 8 finding the old elastigirl suit and trying it on and showing her mother being like look mommy I’m pretty. I read a fanfiction story like that once and i adored it. <3

Unless Vi and Dash find the old suits, and then Helen and Bob tells about their adventures in the Gloy Days, and we watch a giant flashback.

Yeah, especially since time travel would be weird in a super hero movie…too much fantasy for The Incredibles.

We wouldn’t have to time travel. it would just be a flashback of Bob or Helen telling their adventures to Vi and Dash.

That could work out well The Star Swordsman. Movies set up by flashback are just so cliche though. Maybe if Helen brought up a particularly fond battle memory, and she suddenly realizes something she never thought of before, either diabolical or world ending, and then that drives the rest of the film.

All of these awesome Incredibles movies ideas are making me smile! It is nice to know that there are people that are out there that think the same way I do. :slight_smile:

I just want Vi and Dash to realize that their parents used to be the stuff, and how much they love each other, and all kinds of weird idiotic fan dreams. :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha I’m so obsessed with this movie that if I could wish for one thing it would be to live in The Incredibles world and be the Parrs neighbors if not an actual member of the Parrs.

Sorry, I meant prequel potential. It has sequel potential.
And people call me a troll on IMDB a LOT! :wink: (probably for not liking HTTYD)

That would be awesome! I can totally see that. Kind of like that one episode of the Simpsons where they tell the kids about how they met.
That idea is totally awesome, and plausible.

Personally, I think a prequel-type-deal covering Buddy’s fall from grace/rise to power would be really interesting, but I’m a little biased. :wink: I’d still watch and enjoy one about Bob and Helen. :3

Very interesting idea :slight_smile: . I would enjoy learning about syndromes background also.

There are a lot of fanfics that try to cover it, but most of them don’t do him justice and are just packed to the brim with angst to make you feel sorry for him. :confused:

Exactly, every time I go on fanfiction those types of stories are the only stories I see that involve Syndrome. :frowning:

I’ve always wondered about kidnapping Violet, trapping her in our universe, and taking her place. :smiling_imp:

Haha interesting, I’m always creating these senerios and in one of them I imagined myself being Violets twin so I would be a member of the family. :wink: