Andrew Stanton - "Clues to a Great Story" TED talk

Hopefully some of you are familiar with TED talks, which are incredibly inspiring, eye-opening, and more. Well, Andrew Stanton recently did one at TED2012 last month. 20 minutes of pure Stanton storytelling goodness! … story.html

That was a very interesting and inspiring talk. I really enjoyed it. Some really interesting things in it.

I loved when he talked about WONDER. :smiley:
overall great advice!!!

I like all these TED videos, but this is one of the best!

I discovered a TED app for my iPhone recently. It has a lot of speeches covering a huge variety of topics. I really enjoy it.


So what went wrong with John Carter? Did he disregard his own advice?

I saw the movie and I enjoyed it. It wasn’t as good as his work at Pixar, but still a very enjoyable movie. I think one of the problems was the marketing. Disney could have handled it a lot better. They had the romance, comedy and action aspects of the film to work with. I feel like a lot of people who would go for these types of movies were against it as soon as marketing started trying to build up hype. If it wasn’t for Andrew directing it I would have passed on seeing it. And what was up with Dinsey not mentioning any of Andrew previous work in the trailers.

I’m not a fan of John Carter - good marketing wouldn’t make it a ‘better’ film in my eyes. While it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t that special either - Stanton apparently forgot about his own story-telling rules.