animation musical, got script, need animator

I have written a screenplay that is an animation musical. I have the music too. It’s about about an insect. The theme is ‘Be strong for yourself in our wacky world’. One way or another, I am going to make this, if I have to raise the funds to do it. But I thought, if you liked the story, you might want to do this with me and we can submit it to something.

2D would be fine, alternative chicken scratch, stick figures… as long as the story can be told.

you will need to be able to convey the following:

people who appear as insects
locations: forest and creek, a house, the country side

If this isn’t you, but you know where I could try and pitch this, I will not forget you.

about me: Live in San Francisco. have a FT job. had this story for ten years. I wrote it down in screenplay format over xmas 2010. It’s ready to go. I’m 37, devoted. And will seek funds if I have too.